
Provides an off-canvas menu

off, canvas, menu, flyout, push, navigation, nav, sidebar
bower install off-canvas


Work In Progress

This library is not ready yet, I'm using it as a playground to learn.


This is a Sassy JavaScript library for off-canvas content. Install it with Bower:

$ bower install --save off-canvas


Required and optional classes you should use. The oc namespace can be changed by editing the $off-canvas-namespace Sass variable and passing that same value as an option when initializing Off-Canvas.

<body class="oc">
  <a class="oc-toggle" href="#">
    <!-- toggles the off-canvas menu -->
    <!-- you can have multiple of these -->
    <!-- for example a close button in the off-canvas menu -->

  <ul class="oc-menu">
    <!-- mobile navigation or what have you -->

  <div class="oc-fixed">
    <!-- a fixed element which should stay outside .oc-content -->
    <!-- usually the good ol' desktop navigation -->

  <div class="oc-visible">
    <!-- visible until the breakpoint -->

  <div class="oc-hidden">
    <!-- hidden until the breakpoint -->

  <div class="oc-content">
    <!-- pushed away when the menu opens -->

    <div class="oc-overlay-container">
      <!-- where the overlay will be appended (optional) -->
      <!-- if omitted, .oc-content will be used -->


The default configuration:

// prefix of your classes, for example .oc-menu
$oc-namespace:            "oc" !default;

// display style of the menu, more styles coming soon...
$oc-style:                normal !default;

// z-index of the menu, sometimes necessary
$oc-zindex:               100 !default;

// position of the menu
$oc-position:             top !default;

// width of the menu, if the position is
// top or bottom, leave this at auto
$oc-width:                auto !default;

// height of the menu, if the position is
// left or right, leave this at auto
$oc-height:               auto !default;

// animation duration of opening the menu
$oc-transition-duration:  .2s !default;

// at which point the menu activates or deactivates
$oc-breakpoint:           to 480px !default;

// whether an overlay will appear,
// which the user can click to close the menu
$oc-overlay:              true !default;


When you're done configuring:

var offCanvas = new OffCanvas({
  // sets the namespace of the classes
  // (optional, defaults to 'oc')
  namespace: 'oc',

  // callback when the menu opens
  // (optional)
  onOpen: function() { /* ... */ },

  // callback when the menu closes
  // (optional)
  onClose: function() { /* ... */ }

// closes the menu if it's open
// opens it if it's closed

// opens the menu;

// closes the menu