
Express style path to RegExp utility for the browser

regexp, route, routing
bower install pathtoregexp



Turn an Express-style path string such as /user/:name into a regular expression.

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npm install path-to-regexp --save


var pathToRegexp = require('path-to-regexp');

// pathToRegexp(path, keys, options);
  • path A string in the express format, an array of strings, or a regular expression.
  • keys An array to be populated with the keys present in the url.
  • options
    • sensitive When true the route will be case sensitive. (default: false)
    • strict When false the trailing slash is optional. (default: false)
    • end When false the path will match at the beginning. (default: true)
var keys = [];
var re = pathToRegexp('/foo/:bar', keys);
// re = /^\/foo\/([^\/]+?)\/?$/i
// keys = [{ name: 'bar', delimiter: '/', repeat: false, optional: false }]


The path has the ability to define parameters and automatically populate the keys array.

Named Parameters

Named parameters are defined by prefixing a colon to the parameter name (:foo). By default, this parameter will match up to the next path segment.

var re = pathToRegexp('/:foo/:bar', keys);
// keys = [{ name: 'foo', ... }, { name: 'bar', ... }]

//=> ['/test/route', 'test', 'route']

Suffixed Parameters


Parameters can be suffixed with a question mark (?) to make the entire parameter optional. This will also make any prefixed path delimiter optional (/ or .).

var re = pathToRegexp('/:foo/:bar?', keys);
// keys = [{ name: 'foo', ... }, { name: 'bar', delimiter: '/', optional: true, repeat: false }]

//=> ['/test', 'test', undefined]

//=> ['/test', 'test', 'route']
Zero or more

Parameters can be suffixed with an asterisk (*) to denote a zero or more parameter match. The prefixed path delimiter is also taken into account for the match.

var re = pathToRegexp('/:foo*', keys);
// keys = [{ name: 'foo', delimiter: '/', optional: true, repeat: true }]

//=> ['/', undefined]

//=> ['/bar/baz', 'bar/baz']
One or more

Parameters can be suffixed with a plus sign (+) to denote a one or more parameters match. The prefixed path delimiter is included in the match.

var re = pathToRegexp('/:foo+', keys);
// keys = [{ name: 'foo', delimiter: '/', optional: false, repeat: true }]

//=> null

//=> ['/bar/baz', 'bar/baz']

Custom Match Parameters

All parameters can be provided a custom matching regexp and override the default. Please note: Backslashes need to be escaped in strings.

var re = pathToRegexp('/:foo(\\d+)', keys);
// keys = [{ name: 'foo', ... }]

//=> ['/123', '123']

//=> null

Unnamed Parameters

It is possible to write an unnamed parameter that is only a matching group. It works the same as a named parameter, except it will be numerically indexed.

var re = pathToRegexp('/:foo/(.*)', keys);
// keys = [{ name: 'foo', ... }, { name: '0', ... }]

//=> ['/test/route', 'test', 'route']

Compatibility with Express <= 4.x

Path-To-RegExp breaks compatibility with Express <= 4.x in a few ways:

  • RegExp special characters can now be used in the regular path. E.g. /user[(\\d+)]
  • All RegExp special characters can now be used inside the custom match. E.g. /:user(.*)
  • No more support for asterisk matching - use an explicit parameter instead. E.g. /(.*)
  • Parameters can have suffixes that augment meaning - *, + and ?. E.g. /:user*
  • Strings aren't interpreted as literal regexp strings - no more non-capturing groups, lookaheads, lookbehinds or nested matching groups (but you can still pass a regexp manually)

Live Demo

You can see a live demo of this library in use at express-route-tester.
