
Responsive content layouts for Pip.WebUI

pip, webui, layouts
bower install pip-webui-layouts#v1.5.0


Pip.WebUI Layouts http://github.com/pip-webui/pip-webui-layouts

Responsive layouts to organize page content

The module contains the following functionality:

  • Simple layout
  • Document layout
  • Card layout
  • Tiles layout
  • Split layout

In the version 1.0.0 the implementation was cleaned up and covered with unit tests. Implementation became fully portable across browser and devices.

Quick Links:

Online Documentation


Developers interested in contributing should read the following guidelines:

Please do not ask general questions in an issue. Issues are only to report bugs, request enhancements, or request new features. For general questions and discussions, use the Pip Devs Forum.

It is important to note that for each release, the ChangeLog is a resource that will itemize all:

  • Bug Fixes
  • New Features
  • Breaking Changes


Developers can easily build the project using NPM and gulp.

First install or update your local project's npm tools:

# First install all the NPM tools:
npm install

# Or update
npm update

Then run the gulp tasks:

# To clean '/build' and '/dist' directories
gulp clean

# To build distribution files in the `/dist` directory
gulp build

# To launch samples (build will open samples/index page in web browser)
gulp launch

For more details on how the build process works and additional commands (available for testing and debugging) developers should read the Build Instructions.

Installing Build (Distribution Files)


Layouts have dependency on 3rd party libraries included into pip-webui-lib library. Also the entire Pip WebUI framework is packaged into pip-webui library.

Change to your project's root directory.

# To install only core services with dependencies.
npm install git+ssh://git@github.com:pip-core/pip-webui-lib.git
npm install git+ssh://git@github.com:pip-core/pip-webui-layouts.git

# To install the entire pip-webui library
npm install git+ssh://git@github.com:pip-core/pip-webui.git