
REST API and Data Models for Pip.WebUI

pip, webui, framework, controls, css, styles
bower install pip-webui-rest


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REST API and Data Models

On order to provide rich patterns for Line-of-Business application Pip.WebUI framework have to rely on server-side functionality. This Pip.WebUI.Rest module is our first (and quite loosy) attempt to define REST API, that connected controls rely on.

We understand, that demanding from framework users to implement specific REST API is not a good approach. So, in the next version, we'll address that issue and will implement an abstraction layer, that will let our users to plug their own data models.

  • Angular Resources to call REST API
  • Session management
  • Secure application routing
  • Data models and local cache

For more information please, visit User's guide and REST protocol

Learn more about the module

Module dependencies


This module is released under MIT license and totally free for commercial and non-commercial use.