
Ramify provides a way to create complex paths of functions and promises for easier handling the different scenarios in a chain of actions

bower install ramify



Unchain promises

Ramify is a lightweight library with zero dependencies which provides a simple way to create complex paths of functions and promises for easier handling the different scenarios that can happen in a chain of actions.

It supports both browser and Node.js environments. At a browser it exposes a global variable, Ramify.

Attention: The Ramify package is still in beta. Breaking changes may be introduced at any point. Use carefully.

Installation and usage

Using npm:

npm install --save ramify
var Ramify = require('ramify');
// or
import Ramify from 'ramify';

var myController = new Ramify();

Using Bower:

bower install --save ramify
<script src="dist/ramify.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var myController = new Ramify();

API documentation


Simple synchronous example

var myController = new Ramify();

    one: function () {

        this.call('two', Math.round(Math.random() * 10));
    two: function (param) {

        if (param > 8) {
            this.call('three', param * 2);
        } else if (param > 3) {
            this.call('four', param * 2);
        } else {
            throw new Error('Just an error!');
    three: function (param) {

        document.querySelector('#main').innerHTML = 'Three: ' + param * 2;
    four: function (param) {

        document.querySelector('#main').innerHTML = 'Four: ' + param * 3;
}).catch(function (err) {


Asynchronous example

function myPromise (param) {

    return new Promise(function (resolve) {

        resolve(param + 5);

var myController = new Ramify();

    func1: function () {

        return this.call('func2', Math.round(Math.random() * 10), Promise.reject);
    func2: function (param) {

        if (param > 8) {
            return this.call('func3', param * 2);
        } else if (param > 3) {
            return this.call('func4', param * 2);
        } else {
            throw new Error('Just an error!');
    func3: function (param) {

        return Promise.resolve('aaa: ' + param * 2);
    func4: function (param) {

        return this.call('func5', myPromise(param).delay(600));
    func5: function (param) {

        return this.call('func6', myPromise(param).delay(600));
    func6: function (param) {

        return Promise.resolve('bbb: ' + param * 3);

var result = myController.call('func1');

result.then(function (result) {

    document.querySelector('#main').innerHTML = result;
}).catch(Ramify.RamifyError, function (err) {

}).catch(function (err) {


More complex asynchronous example

var shopsService = new Ramify();
var rami = {};

function _findShop (name) {

    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

        var temp = Math.random();
        if (temp > 0.7) {
            // could not find shop with this name
        } else if (temp > 0.4) {
            // shop found
                id: '765454654565',
                name: name
        } else {
            // An error occured while fetching from db
            reject(new Error('Something went wrong!'));

function _createShop (name) {

    return new Promise(function (resolve) {

        // create shop and return it
            id: '12342432423',
            name: name

rami.findOrCreateShop = function (shopName) {

    console.log('- Trying to find the shop');
    this.prop('shopName', shopName);

    var count = this.prop('count');
    this.prop('count', Number.isInteger(count) ? count + 1 : 1);

    console.log('Trying to find the shop. Try: ' + this.prop('count'));
    return this.call('handleFindShopResponse', _findShop(shopName),
        function errorHandler(err) {

            if (err instanceof Ramify.RamifyError) {
                throw err;
            if (this.prop('count') < 3) {
                return this.call('findOrCreateShop', this.prop('shopName'));
            } else {
                throw new Error('Retry limit reached.');

rami.handleFindShopResponse = function (shops) {

    console.log('Shop found after ' + this.prop('count') + ' tries');
    if (shops.length > 0) {
        console.log('- Shop found');
        return this.call('constructResponse', shops[0]);
    } else {
        console.log('- Couldn\'t find shop, creating one');
        return this.call('handleCreateShopResponse', _createShop(this.prop('shopName')));

rami.handleCreateShopResponse = function (newShop) {

    console.log('- Shop created');
    return this.call('constructResponse', newShop);

rami.constructResponse = function (shop) {

    console.log('- Returning the shop');
    shop.website = 'https://' + shop.name;

    return shop;


shopsService.call('findOrCreateShop', 'myshop.com')
    .then(function (shop) {

        document.querySelector('#main').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(shop);
    }).catch(Ramify.RamifyError, function (err) {

        console.log('+++++ Ramify Error +++++');
    }).catch(function (err) {

        console.log('+++++ General Error +++++');

Unsafe alias asynchronous example

// index.js
var ShopsService = require('./service.js');

    .then(function (shop) {

    }).catch(ShopsService.RamifyError, function (err) {

        console.log('+++++ Ramify Error +++++');
    }).catch(function (err) {

        console.log('+++++ General Error +++++');

// service.js
var Ramify = require('ramify');
var DB = require('./db.js');

var shopsService = new Ramify({
    createAlias: true,
    safeAlias: false

shopsService.add(function findOrCreateShop (shopName) {

    console.log('- Trying to find the shop');
    this.prop('shopName', shopName);

    var count = this.prop('count');
    this.prop('count', Number.isInteger(count) ? count + 1 : 1);

    console.log('Trying to find the shop. Try: ' + this.prop('count'));
    return this.handleFindShopResponse(DB.findShop(shopName),
        function errorHandler(err) {

            if (err instanceof Ramify.RamifyError) {
                throw err;
            if (this.prop('count') < 3) {
                return this.findOrCreateShop(this.prop('shopName'));
            } else {
                throw new Error('Retry limit reached.');

shopsService.add(function handleFindShopResponse (shops) {

    console.log('Shop found after ' + this.prop('count') + ' tries');
    if (shops.length > 0) {
        console.log('- Shop found');
        return this.constructResponse(shops[0]);
    } else {
        console.log('- Couldn\'t find shop, creating one');
        return this.handleCreateShopResponse(DB.createShop(this.prop('shopName')));

shopsService.add(function handleCreateShopResponse (newShop) {

    console.log('- Shop created');
    return this.constructResponse(newShop);

shopsService.add(function constructResponse (shop) {

    console.log('- Returning the shop');
    shop.website = 'https://' + shop.name;

    return shop;

module.exports = shopsService;