Combo box implementation based on ReactJS.
React-combo-box is a###Dependencies:
- Configurable options source
- Customizable drop down item
- Full keyboard navigation support
- AMD, CommonJS and loading as a global support
- Small code base: 300 lines of JavaScript and just 6 KB for combobox.min.js
Browser compatibility
Starting from Internet Explorer 10.
Installation usingbower install react-combo-box
- Inside your HTML add (if you are not using module systems)
- combobox.min.js:
<script src="bower_components/react-combo-box/dist/js/combobox.min.js"></script>
- combobox.css:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/react-combo-box/dist/css/combobox.css">
- combobox.min.js:
Basic usage
var stringOptions = ["one", "two", "three"];
var combobox = React.renderComponent(
ReactComboBox({options: stringOptions, defaultValue: "two"}),
Component properties
- options=[] {string[]} or {object[]} - Array of options If array of objects is provided, you have to specify titleField property
- defaultValue="" {string} - that value will be showed after initialization. After initialization use setValue method to change it
- source {function(query)} - if it is provided, options are not needed. This function will be called on initializing and after every input change
- titleField {string} - should be provided, if options is array of objects
- onChange {function(value, selectedItem)} - calling on every input chang
- onItemSelected {function(selectedItem)} - calling on selecting item by click or key pressing
- cutomItem {ReactJS class} - custom item present component, also can be passed as child of ComboBox
- disabled=false {boolean} - combobox may be disabled
- customInputClass {string} - you can specify CSS class for input. Useful with bootstrap to specify "form-control", as in example
Prepare your environment
- Install Node.js and NPM (should come with)
- Install global dev dependencies:
npm install -g gulp
- Install local dev dependencies:
npm install
in repository directory - Bulid sources with:
gulp sources
- Bulid styles with:
gulp styles
- Run tests with:
gulp test
Development Commands
to jshint, build and test -
gulp build
to compile sources and styles -
gulp sources
to build sources -
gulp styles
to build styles -
gulp lint
to run jshint -
gulp test
for one-time test with karma -
gulp watch
to watch src files to build
- Run the tests (
gulp test
) - Run local server in repository directory with 8765 port (
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8765
on mac, for example) - Test and debug the local debug plunker