
Scandit Flow - JavaScript SDK

bower install scandit-flow-sdk#v0.0.2


Scandit Flow JavaScript SDK

Build Status

The Scandit Flow JavaScript SDK is a library that helps building applications integrated with the Scandit Flow platform.

Take a look at our related projects:

Getting started

In order to start using the SDK you must have a Scandit Flow account.
At the moment the only way to sign up is using the mobile app (Scandit Flow - Android, Scandit Flow - iOS).

Once you have your account, log in to the web dashboard and configure access under API Access.


Using npm (for NodeJS):

$ npm install scandit-flow-sdk

Using bower:

$ bower install scandit-flow-sdk

Manually (downloaded from Releases):

<script src="scandit.min.js"></script>


Client initialization

Static key access:
var client = new Scandit.Client({
    method: Scandit.Auth.Method.STATIC_KEY,
    key: '-- YOUR STATIC API KEY --'

    .then(function(authenticationStatus) {
        if (authenticationStatus) {
            console.log('Static key is valid');
            // you can use the client
        } else {
            console.log('Invalid static token');
    .catch(function(err) {
        console.log('Unexpected error during initialization: ' + err);
User login (only works in a web browser) (OAuth Implicit):
var client = new Scandit.Client({
    method: Scandit.Auth.Method.USER_IMPLICIT,
    clientId: '-- YOUR CLIENT ID --',
    redirectUri: '-- YOUR REDIRECT URI --',
    popup: true

    .then(function(authenticationStatus) {
        if (authenticationStatus) {
            console.log('You are authenticated');
            // you can use the client
        } else {
            console.log('User must login');
            // Use code below to authenticate user, e.g. after user clicks the login button
            // client.authenticate()
            //     .then((function () {
            //         console.log('Authenticated successfully');
            //     }))
            //     .catch(function (err) {
            //         console.log('Authentication failed: ' + err);
            //     });
    .catch(function(err) {
        console.log('Unexpected error during initialization: ' + err);
Client credentials (OAuth Client Credentials)
var client = new Scandit.Client({
    method: Scandit.Auth.Method.CLIENT,
    clientId: '-- YOUR CLIENT ID --',
    clientSecret: '-- YOUR CLIENT SECRET --'

    .then(function(authenticationStatus) {
        if (authenticationStatus) {
            console.log('Client is authenticated');
            // you can use the client
        } else {
            console.log('Login needed');
            // Use code below to authenticate client, e.g. can be triggered automatically or with a button click etc.
            // client.authenticate()
            //     .then((function () {
            //         console.log('Authenticated successfully');
            //     }))
            //     .catch(function (err) {
            //         console.log('Authentication failed: ' + err);
            //     });
    .catch(function(err) {
        console.log('Unexpected error during initialization: ' + err);

Client usage

At the moment the only client functionality is accessing the Scandit Flow Cloud DB.
In order to start using it you have to configure your database. Go to the Database section on the web dashboard and define some classes.

Retrieving a list of configured models:


Fetching all objects from the model (where ModelName is the class name you specified on the web dashboard):

    .then(function(objects) {
    .catch(function(error) {
        console.log('Cannot fetch objects: ' + error);

Usage examples

For more detailed examples please take a look at the examples folder.


API documentation will be available soon. For general documentation please refer to Scandit Flow - Documentation.


The source code published here is released under the Apache 2.0 license:

Questions? Contact