Setter is a small Javascript library with which you can set attributes on any object, and get attribute change notification ala Backbone - via the emmitt library.
Install via NPM npm install setter
or Bower bower install setter
var set = require('setter')
var E = require('emmitt')
var man = { name: 'bob' }
E.on(man, 'change', function(){
console.log('Man was changed!')
E.on(man, 'change:name', function(newName){
console.log("Man's name was changed to", newName)
set(man, 'name', 'dan')
Set multiple attributes
set(man, {
name: 'jen',
age: 5
Use the silent option (no events)
set(name, 'name', 'bobby', {silent: true})
// or
set(name, {
name: 'bobby',
age: 5
}, {silent: true})