An easy way to save URL parameters to localStorage in your Angular application.
Check out a really awesome sample application here.
Using spp.params
Using Bower, head to your nearest terminal and tap:
$ bower install spp.params --save
in your HTML. -
as a dependency of your Angular module.
Sample Usage
Follow along with the sample application below to see how to use spp.params
angular.module('yourApp', ['spp.params']).
config(['SessionServiceProvider', function (SessionServiceProvider) {
// You must define a key where the parameters will be saved into
// localStorage.
SessionServiceProvider.localStorageId = 'url-parameters';
// SessionService allows you to customize the way warning messages are
// displayed. Here, we just have a simple wrapper around the function that
// will be called, `NotifierService`.
SessionServiceProvider.NotifierService = function (message) {
console.log('This is a custom warning message!', message);
// You must specify `parameters` as an array of objects in the following
// format...
// name {string} The case-insensitive url parameter you want to cache.
// required {boolean} Should your application display a warning if this
// parameter isn't specified?
SessionServiceProvider.parameters = [
name: 'userId',
required: true
}, {
name: 'unicornId',
required: false
run(['$rootScope', 'SessionService', function ($rootScope, SessionService) {
// You must choose when to detect and store parameters. Here, we're running it
// as soon as the application runs...
// ...as well as every time the route changes.
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', SessionService.readParams);