
An easy way to save URL parameters to localStorage in your Angular application.

angular, localStorage, querystring, url, parameters
bower install spp.params



An easy way to save URL parameters to localStorage in your Angular application.


Check out a really awesome sample application here.

Using spp.params

Using Bower, head to your nearest terminal and tap:

$ bower install spp.params --save
  • Include spp.params/SessionService.js in your HTML.

  • Add spp.params as a dependency of your Angular module.

Sample Usage

Follow along with the sample application below to see how to use spp.params.

angular.module('yourApp', ['spp.params']).
  config(['SessionServiceProvider', function (SessionServiceProvider) {

    // You must define a key where the parameters will be saved into
    // localStorage.
    SessionServiceProvider.localStorageId = 'url-parameters';

    // SessionService allows you to customize the way warning messages are
    // displayed. Here, we just have a simple wrapper around the function that
    // will be called, `NotifierService`.
    SessionServiceProvider.NotifierService = function (message) {
      console.log('This is a custom warning message!', message);

    // You must specify `parameters` as an array of objects in the following
    // format...
    // name     {string}  The case-insensitive url parameter you want to cache.
    // required {boolean} Should your application display a warning if this
    //                    parameter isn't specified?
    SessionServiceProvider.parameters = [
        name: 'userId',
        required: true
      }, {
        name: 'unicornId',
        required: false
  run(['$rootScope', 'SessionService', function ($rootScope, SessionService) {

    // You must choose when to detect and store parameters. Here, we're running it
    // as soon as the application runs...

    // ...as well as every time the route changes.
    $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', SessionService.readParams);