ngHandsontable - the AngularJS directive forEnables creation of data grid applications in AngularJS.
See the demo at http://handsontable.github.io/ngHandsontable
Include the library files:
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="bower_components/handsontable/dist/jquery.handsontable.full.css">
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/handsontable/dist/jquery.handsontable.full.js"></script>
<script src="dist/ngHandsontable.js"></script>
settings="{colHeaders: colHeaders, contextMenu: ['row_above', 'row_below', 'remove_row'], afterChange: afterChange }"
<hot-column data="id" title="'ID'"></hot-column>
<hot-column data="name.first" title="'First Name'" type="grayedOut" readOnly></hot-column>
<hot-column data="name.last" title="'Last Name'" type="grayedOut" readOnly></hot-column>
<hot-column data="address" title="'Address'" width="150"></hot-column>
<hot-column data="product.description" title="'Favorite food'" type="'autocomplete'">
<hot-autocomplete datarows="description in product.options"></hot-autocomplete>
<hot-column data="price" title="'Price'" type="'numeric'" width="80" format="'$ 0,0.00'" ></hot-column>
<hot-column data="isActive" title="'Is active'" type="'checkbox'" width="65" checkedTemplate="'Yes'" uncheckedTemplate="'No'"></hot-column>
$scope.db.items = [
"address":"45024 France",
"description":"Fried Potatoes",
"description":"Fried Potatoes",
"description":"Fried Onions",
//more items go here
Directives and attributes specification
All Handsontable options listed here should be supported
Directive | Attribute | Description |
<div hot-table> | Defines the grid container. Can also be declared as element <ui-handsontable>
<div hot-table> | datarows | Data provider for the grid. Usage like item in items (similar to ngRepeat). Creates new scope for each row |
<div hot-table> | settings | jquery-handsontable settings. For list of options, see: handsontable/jquery-handsontable |
<div hot-table> | selectedIndex | Allows to bind a scope variable to get/set selected row index |
<hot-column> | Defines a column in the grid | |
<hot-column> | type | Column type. Possible values: text , checkbox , autocomplete (default: text ) |
<hot-column> | value | Row property that will be used as data source for each cell |
<hot-column> | title | Column title |
<hot-column> | readOnly | If set, column will be read-only |
<hot-column> | saveOnBlur | (Autocomplete columns only) If set, value will be updated after autocomplete is blured. This is in contrast to default behavior, where value is updated after each keystroke |
<hot-column> | strict | (Autocomplete columns only) If set, value can only be selected from autocomplete options. If not set, also custom value is allowed if entered to the text box |
<hot-column> | checkedTemplate | (Checkbox columns only) Expression that will be used as the value for checked checkbox cell (default: boolean true ) |
<hot-column> | uncheckedTemplate | (Checkbox columns only) Expression that will be used as the value for unchecked checkbox cell (default: boolean false ) |
The MIT License (see the LICENSE file for the full text)