
An element providing routes handling with polymer

web-component, web-components, polymer, router, routes, polyter, page.js, hooks, extensions, controller, layout
bower install steroid-polyter



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An element providing advanced routing to your polymer apps.

  • Lazy load.
  • Complex layout definition.
  • Add elements as extensions (to the main and sections elements rendered).
  • Hooks (run, wait, before, action, after, stop).
  • Redirections.
  • Inject data to elements by route.

Using it in your application

Start installing it into your application with Bower

bower install steroid-polyter

Basic usage

Configure your layout in html. User region="region-name" to set drawable regions into your schema. A reverved word to draw your main content is main.

    <!-- The regions -->
    <div region="header"></div>
    <div region="sidebar"></div>
    <div region="main"></div>

Set the default configuration for the layout schema.

window.addEventListener('webComponentsReady', function () {
        layoutElements: {
            header: 'header-element',
            sidebar: 'sidebar-element'

Add a simple route for a polymer element.

window.addEventListener('webComponentsReady', function () {
    Polyter.addRoute('/', {
        element: 'page-home'

Add route with params.

window.addEventListener('webComponentsReady', function () {
    Polyter.addRoute('/store/:category', function () {
        element: 'page-category'

Get params into the polymer element.

    is: 'page-category',

    created: function () {

        if (this.params.category) {
            //Make something with the params.

Advanced Usage


Layout definition in html, you can use the default attribute to have this layout by default without any specification in the routing handling

<steroid-polyter style="position: absolute; width:100%; height:100%;">
  <div layout="main" default>
    <div region="header" style="width: 100%; height: 60px; position: fixed;"></div>
    <div region="sidebar" style="height: 100%; width: 60px; position: fixed;"></div>
    <div region="main" style="width: calc( 100% - 60px ); height: calc( 100% - 60px ); position: absolute; margin: 60px 0 0 60px;"></div>
  <div layout="other">
    <div region="main" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div>

Layout handling in default configuration.

Now, we have the layout configuration by default, here you set the layout name, regions and extensions.

  layouts: [{
    name: 'main',
    regions: {
      sidebar: 'side-bar',
      header: 'top-navigation'
    extensions: []
    name: 'other'
  extensions: [],
  hooks: {
    before: function () {
      // this.ext.auth.config();
      console.log('Hello I\'m a hook!');

Selecting a layout for an specific route

Polyter.addRoute('/my/route/withLayout', {
  element: 'product-example',
  layout: 'other', // With this property we choose the layout to render.
  run: function () {


A Polyter extension is a Polymer component instance without render into dom.

Define a default extension.

    extensions: [polymer-auth, polymer-db]

Define a route extension.

Polyter.addRoute('/cars', {
    element: 'cars-list',

    extensions: ['price-calculator']

Accessing to an extension.

//Some script

//Cars-list main element lifecycle callbacks
created: function () {

//Hooks (explained later)
before: function () {
    if (!this.ext['polymer-auth'].logged()) {

If your extension needs some configuration add it in before hook, the polymer method factoryImpl will be called just after before hook.


Polyter have 5 hooks to manage the route lifecycle. You can do anything here. This hooks can be defined by route and by default configuration (complementary).

  • run: this hook is the first callback in the route lifecycle. You have access to the params here.
  • wait: here you can wait for some async resources or responses, this method receive a next param, you must call it to continue with the execution.
  • before: here add the extension instances.
  • action: here add the layout and main elements instances.
  • after: here add the layout and main elements rendered instances.
  • stop: this callback is executed when another route is called.
    run: function () {
        //this have the route scope with the params

        //Access to the params.
        console.log('Route params', this.params);

        //Stop the route propagation

        //Redirect to other route (also stop the route propagation)

        //Get the previous route!
        console.log('Previous route: ' + this.previousRoute);


    wait: fucntion (next) {
        //route wait until next is called!
        this.ext['poly-ajax'].get('resouce', function (res) {
            //Do something with res here.

    before: function () {
        //Same as above but now we have the extensions injection.

        //Get example extension information.
        var doc = this.ext['polymer-db'].find(;

        if (doc.isValid) {
          // do something
        else {

        // Maintain the route but change the element to render.
        if (!this.ext.auth.isLoggedIn) {
          this.render('my-login', 'main');


    action: function () {
        //Same as above but now we have the instances of the defined elements

        //Get the element instance
        var insPointer = this.instances['cars-list'];

        //Comes from other book?
        if (this.previousRoute === this.route) {
          //Add additional information to the element instance
          // so we can render it with other view.


    after: function () {
        //Here we have the elements rendered
        this.instances['page-demo'].changeTitle('new title'); //rules!

        //Also we can do the other things but no this.render()


    stop: function () {
        //The route has been changed! Put some information
        // here for the next route.




Element dependencies are managed via Bower. You can install that via:

npm install -g bower

Then, go ahead and download the element's dependencies:

bower install

Playing With Polyter

If you wish to work Polyter in isolation, we recommend that you use Polyserve to keep your element's bower dependencies in line. You can install it via:

npm install -g polyserve

And you can run it via:


Once running, you can preview your element at http://localhost:8080/components/steroid-polyter/, where steroid-polyter is the name of the directory containing it.

Testing Your Element

Simply navigate to the /test directory of your element to run its tests. If you are using Polyserve: http://localhost:8080/components/steroid-polyter/test/

See the demo

Simply navigate to the /demo directory of the element to se the demo in action with Polyserve: http://localhost:8080/components/steroid-polyter/demo/