Strip comments from CSS
Also available as a Gulp/Grunt/Broccoli plugin.
$ npm install strip-css-comments
import stripCssComments from 'strip-css-comments';
// By default important comments `/*!` are preserved
stripCssComments('/*! <copyright> */ body { /* unicorns */color: hotpink; }');
//=> '/*! <copyright> */ body { color: hotpink; }'
// `preserve: false` will strip all comments including `/*!`
'/*! <copyright> */ body { /* unicorns */color: hotpink; }',
{preserve: false}
//=> 'body { color: hotpink; }'
// Preserve comments based on a regex
'/*# preserved */ body { /* unicorns */color: hotpink; }',
{preserve: /^#/}
//=> '/*# preserved */ body { color: hotpink; }'
// Preserve comments based on the return value of the supplied function
'/*# preserved */ body { /* unicorns */color: hotpink; }',
preserve: comment => comment.charAt(0) === '#'
//=> '/*# preserved */ body { color: hotpink; }'
Type: string
String with CSS.
Type: object
Type: boolean | RegExp | Function
Default: true
- Preserve important comments/*! */
. -
- Strip all comments. -
- Preserve comments where the comment body matches a regular expression. -
- Preserve comments for which a function returnstrue
. The function is called on each comment, gets the comment body as the first argument, and is expected to return a boolean of whether to preserve the comment.
Type: boolean
Default: true
Replace comments with whitespace instead of stripping them entirely.
$ npm run bench
- strip-css-comments-cli - CLI for this module
- strip-json-comments - Strip comments from JSON