swipe-event v0.4.2
Simple swipe event on dom
Load script:
<script src="path/to/swipe-event.js"></script>
Bind events:
var dom = getDom();
var swipe = new SwipeCross({elm: dom});
You'll get swipeup
, swipeleft
, swiperight
, swipedown
events when the specified dom are swiped:
// you can handle the following events
dom.addEventListener('swipeup', function () {...}, false);
dom.addEventListener('swipeleft', function () {...}, false);
dom.addEventListener('swiperight', function () {...}, false);
dom.addEventListener('swipedown', function () {...}, false);
You can unbind events when it become unnecessary:
If you have jquery loaded, you can bind events through jquery object:
$('#swipe').on('swipeup', function () {...});
$('#swipe').on('swipeleft', function () {...});
$('#swipe').on('swiperight', function () {...});
$('#swipe').on('swipedown', function () {...});
- 2014-11-04 v0.3.1 iOS8 Safari support.