Just routing.
Trails is a tiny (2.4k unminified, 1.2k minified) client-side library for handling on-page routing.
The route parsing has been heavily borrowed from Bogart - I just wanted client-side routing without having to pull in a framework like Backbone.
Initialize Trails like so:
var router = new Trails;
Now let's register a basic route. Setting up a new route is pretty easy:
router.route('/', function (path) {
// do stuff on the root rotue
The path
argument passed to the route handler has the following properties:
(Object): The parameters passed via the URLroute
(String): The route signature that got handledcomputed
(String): The actual path that was hit
An example using a parameter:
router.route('/say/:message', function (path) {
The splat (*) operator is also supported:
router.route('/text/*', function (path) {
Protip: Use router.allRoutes() to see all your current routes
To run a function before any route handler is called, use before():
router.before(function (path) {
console.log('I get the same arguments as a route handler!');
You can also register functions to run after route handlers are called, using after()
. Trails supports multiple before/after handlers - they will be run in the order they were attached.
Trails is written in CoffeeScript. Building the minified version is easy, just run gulp
Outstanding TODOs in order of priority:
Before/after hooks for routes
beforeAll/afterAll hooksGulpfile for compiling/minifyingLanding page
Example page (that isn't terrible)
Pull requests are welcome.
Copyright Duncan Smith 2013
MIT License