This algorithm uses Tree Code to group source bodies, as an approximation. It leads to
This is much faster than a naive N-body approach
It uses the Rayon library to parallelize of the loop summing forces from each source on a given target. You may wish to also parallelize the loop over targets in your application code.
It uses the lin_alg library for the Vec3
vector type. You will need to import this in your application code, and covert to it when implementing BodyModel
Currently hard-coded for f64
. Post an issue on GitHub if you'd like f32
This library is generic over body type and acceleration function. Here's an example of adapting your type for use here:
use lin_alg::f64::Vec3;
impl BodyModel for Body {
fn posit(&self) -> Vec3 {
fn mass(&self) -> f64 {
Example use:
use barnes_hut::{self, BhConfig, Tree};
fn run_timesteps() {
// Note: `BhConfig` Includes a `Default` implementation.
let config = BhConfig {
// The primary degree of freedom. 0 means no grouping. Higher values group more aggressively, leading to
// less accurate, faster computation. 0.5 and 1.0 are common defaults.
θ: 0.5,
max_bodies_per_node: 1,
// Safety, e.g. if bodies are very close together.
max_tree_depth: 15,
for t in timesteps {
// Create the tree once per time step.
let tree = Tree::new(&state.bodies, &bb, &state.config.bh_config);
// Iterate, in parallel, over target bodies. The loop over source bodies is handled
// by the acceleration function.
// bodies.par_iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(id, body_target)| { // ...
for (id, target) in bodies.iter_mut().enumerate() {
integrate(&config, &tree, target, id);
fn integrate(bh_config: &BhConfig, tree: &Tree, target: Body, id_target: usize) {
// ...
// This acceleration function can be whatever you'd like. This example shows Newtonian
// Gravity with MOND.
let acc_fn = |acc_dir, mass, dist| {
acc_newton_with_mond(acc_dir, mass, dist, Some(mond_fn), softening_factor_sq)
let accel = barnes_hut::acc_bh(
// `id_target` is used to prevent self-interaction.