Discord server management has never been easier!

cli, discord, config, rust



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👨🏼‍🔧 Discord server management has never been easier!

Why ?

In the new context of the pandemic, many educational institutions have shifted their courses online, with the use of communication platforms like Discord. However, managing multiple roles and channels across a Discord server is challenging : there are no way to centrally visualize the information nor to apply synchronized permissions updates. This tool allows you to define a single configuration file to be applied to a server, and it will automatically find the changes that needs to be made, ensuring that your Discord will always be in sync with your config.


  • 📜 Diff current Discord server config with your desired one
  • 🏗️ Apply large scale changes to your Discord server
  • Fast, secure and reliable
  • 📋 Advanced templating techniques


Your will need to setup a Discord bot in order to use the CLI tool.


  • disma : Core Rust library for defining configuration as code and controlling your own orchestrations and implementations.
  • disma-cli : A stable and easy to use command line interface for defining configuration as simple YAML files. Still allows for templating to simplify the configuration.
