
Rust for Flipper Zero

embedded, flipperzero, rust, rust-lang


Rust for Flipper Zero 🐬❤️🦀

crates.io Flipper Zero API docs.rs MIT license

This project allows writing Rust-based applications for the Flipper Zero.

It doesn't have any direct dependency on flipperzero-firmware or toolchain, so it can be used to build binaries with no external dependencies.

These crates only support the core and alloc crates.

The Rust thumbv7em-none-eabihf target currently only supports no_std development. This means it's not possible to use anything in the std crate.

SDK version

Currently supports SDK 79.2 (flipperzero-firmware@1.2.0).

The crate major version number will be updated after a bump in API version in the Flipper Zero firmware.

Crate version API version
HEAD 79.2
0.13.x 78.0
0.12.x 73.0
0.11.x 35.0
0.10.x 28.2
0.9.x 23.0
0.8.x 20.0
0.7.x 14.0
0.6.x 11.2
0.5.x 10.1
0.4.x 7.5
0.3.x 2.2


Initial setup

  1. Install rustup by following the instructions on rustup.rs.
  2. Use rustup to install the thumbv7em-none-eabihf target:
    rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf

Writing an application

The Flipper Zero supports installing externally built applications on the SD card.

See flipperzero-template🚀 to help you get started.


Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.