Rust wrapper for the API and websocket of o!rdr
to render osu!
use rosu_render::{
model::{RenderSkinOption, Verification},
OrdrClient, OrdrWebsocket,
async fn main() {
// In production, use your key as verification or omit verification entirely.
let client = OrdrClient::builder().verification(Verification::DevModeSuccess).build();
let mut websocket = OrdrWebsocket::connect().await.expect("Failed to connect websocket");
// The channel lets us notify the websocket when to disconnect
let (disconnect_tx, mut disconnect_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<()>();
// Handle websocket events in a different task
let websocket_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
tokio::select! {
event_res = websocket.next_event() => {
match event_res {
Ok(event) => println!("{event:?}"),
Err(err) => println!("Websocket error: {err:?}"),
_ = &mut disconnect_rx => {
println!("Received disconnect notification");
websocket.disconnect().await.expect("Failed to disconnect gracefully");
// Requesting from the API
let render_list = client
.expect("Failed to get render list");
let skin_list = client
.expect("Failed to get skin list");
let server_list_count = client
.expect("Failed to get server list count");
let replay_file = tokio::fs::read("./assets/2283307549.osr")
.expect("Failed to get replay file");
let skin = RenderSkinOption::default();
let render = client
.render_with_replay_file(&replay_file, "your_name", &skin)
.expect("Failed to commission replay render");
// Now the websocket will receive events for your commissioned replay render
// Notify the websocket to disconnect
let _ = disconnect_tx.send(());
websocket_handle.await.expect("websocket worker panicked");
println!("Shutting down");
Using rustls
for TLS requires configuring a crypto provider via crate
features or manually installing a global default. The default is rustls-ring
The rustls-ring
feature will enable the use of ring
as the crypto
provider. This is recommended for platform compatibility.
The rustls-aws_lc_rs
feature will enable the use of aws-lc-rs
as the
crypto provider. This is recommended for performance and on widely used
If none of the other crypto providers are enabled, a custom one must be
installed by the application using CryptoProvider::install_default
has features to enable HTTPS connectivity with hyper
. These
features are mutually exclusive. rustls-webpki-roots
is enabled by default.
The native-tls
feature uses a HTTPS connector provided by hyper-tls
The rustls-native-roots
feature uses a HTTPS connector provided by hyper-rustls
, which uses
as the TLS backend, and enables its native-tokio
feature, which uses rustls-native-certs
for root certificates. This requires configuring a crypto provider.
The rustls-platform-verifier
feature uses a HTTPS connector provided by hyper-rustls
, which uses
as the TLS backend, and enables its rustls-platform-verifier
feature, which uses
for certificate validation. This requires configuring a crypto provider.
The rustls-webpki-roots
feature uses a HTTPS connector provided by hyper-rustls
, which uses
as the TLS backend, and enables its webpki-tokio
feature, which uses webpki-roots
for root certificates. This requires configuring a crypto provider.
This should be preferred over rustls-native-roots
in Docker containers based on scratch
This is enabled by default.
The hickory
feature enables hyper-hickory
, which replaces the default
in hyper
. hyper-hickory
instead provides a fully async
DNS resolver on the application level.