
Mock 'n' Roll is a tiny mock library for Swift

mock, mocking, mocking-library, swift, tdd, unit-test, unit-testing, ios, macos, tvos, visionos, watchos



MockingKit Logo
Version Swift 5.3 MIT License Twitter: @danielsaidi

About MockingKit

MockingKit is a Swift-based mocking library that makes it easy to mock protocols and classes. It lets you register function results, call functions and inspect calls.

Getting started

MockingKit can be used to mock any protocol or class.

For instance, say that you have a MyProtocol protocol:

protocol MyProtocol {
    func doStuff(int: Int, string: String) -> String

You can then create a mock implementation of the protocol by creating a mock class that inherits the Mock base class and implements MyProtocol:

class MyMock: Mock, MyProtocol {

    // You have to define a lazy reference for each function 
    lazy var doStuffRef = MockReference(doStuff)

    // Functions must then call the reference to be recorded
    func doStuff(int: Int, string: String) -> String {
        call(doStuffRef, args: (int, string))

If your mock can't inherit Mock, e.g. when mocking structs or when the mock must inherit another base class, you can implement the Mockable protocol by just providing a custom mock instance:

class MyMock: MyBaseClass, Mockable, MyProtocol {

    let mock = Mock()
    // ... the rest is the same. `Mock` just saves you one line of code :)

You can now use the mock to register function results, call functions and inspect calls:

// Create a mock
let mock = MyMock()

// Register a result for when calling doStuff
mock.registerResult(for: mock.doStuffRef) { args in String(args.1.reversed()) }

// Calling doStuff will now return the pre-registered result
let result = mock.doStuff(int: 42, string: "string")    // => "gnirts"

// You can also inspect all calls that made to doStuff
let calls = mock.calls(to: mock.doStuffRef)             // => 1 item
calls[0].arguments.0                                    // => 42
calls[0].arguments.1                                    // => "string"
calls[0].result                                         // => "gnirts"
mock.hasCalled(mock.doStuffRef)                         // => true
mock.hasCalled(mock.doStuffRef, numberOfTimes: 1)       // => true
mock.hasCalled(mock.doStuffRef, numberOfTimes: 2)       // => false

This can be used when unit testing, mock not yet implemented functionality etc.


The MockingKit documentation contains curated and structured information that makes it easy to overview the various parts of the library, see how the various parts connect to each other etc.

Just download the documentation, extract the zip file and double-tap the MockingKit.doccarchive file to view the documentation directly in Xcode.


MockingKit supports

  • mocking protocols
  • mocking classes
  • mocking system classes, like UserDefaults
  • mocking returning and non-returning (void) functions
  • mocking synchronous and asynchronous functions
  • void, optional and non-optional result values
  • argument-based results

MockingKit doesn't put any restrains on your code or require you to structure it in any way. You don't need any setup or configuration. Just create a mock and you're good to go.


Swift Package Manager



pod 'MockingKit'

Demo App

This repository contains a demo app that shows you how to use MockingKit.

To run it, just open and run Demo/Demo.xcodeproj.

Contact me

Feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you want to contribute in any way:


You can sponsor this project on GitHub Sponsors or get in touch for paid support.


MockingKit is based on Stubber, and would not have been possible without it.


MockingKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.