
A functional, descriptive, and more modern CoreGraphics wrapper for iOS/OS X.




Thyme Carthage compatible Travis

A framework that wraps Core Graphics in a functional, descriptive, and more modern API.



  • Add the following to your Cartfile: github "kaishin/Thyme"
  • Then run carthage update
  • Follow the current instructions in Carthage's README for up to date installation instructions.

Git Submodules

  • Add this repo as a submodule, and add the project file to your workspace. You can then link against Thyme.framework for your application target.


Coming Soon


After importing Thyme, you can use the same APIs on both iOS and OSX. The exact same drawing code can be used in both platforms.

Thyme introduces the Path type to help you contruct your paths. Instead of providing exact coordinates, you describe how your path can be drawn in a series of actions. For instance:

let square = Path(point: CGPointZero)
  |> addLineTowards([.Right: 100])
  |> addLineTowards([.Bottom: 100])
  |> addLineTowards([.Left: 100])
  |> addLineTowards([.Top: 100])
  |> close

The code snippet above describes a square-shaped path in 5 steps. You can then obtain a CGPathRef using the CGPath property of Path.

This is a simplified example to demonstrate how you can use the same drawing code on both platforms, with the use of helpers such as CGRect.topLeftPoint:

// Shared Code
func drawIcon(context: CGContextRef, rect: CGRect, fillColor: CGColorRef) {
  let triangle = Path(point: rect.topLeftPoint)
    |> addLineTo(rect.topRightPoint)
    |> addLineTowards([.Left: rect.width / 2, .Bottom: rect.height])
    |> close


// iOS
class CustomView: UIView {
  override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
    drawInCurrentContext { context in
      drawIcon(context, rect: self.bounds, fillColor: UIColor.redColor())

// Mac
class CustomView: NSView {
  override func drawRect(dirtyRect: NSRect) {
    drawInCurrentContext { context in
      drawIcon(context, rect: self.bounds, fillColor: NSColor.redColor())


Copyright 2015 Reda Lemeden. BSD Licence. See LICENSE file for more info.