
A wrapper library of CRToast totally redesigned for Swift 2.




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A wrapper library of CRToast totally redesigned for Swift 2.


  • Awesome UX based on CRToast
  • Carefully considered, highly structured and Swiftish API
  • Strongly typed properties
  • Flowable event handlings by method chaining and trailing closures
  • Easy customization for your applications


  • Xcode 7 and later
  • CRToast 0.0.9 and later


CRToastSwift is available through Carthage. To install,

github "masahiko24/CRToastSwift"

CRToastSwift also is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "CRToastSwift"


1. Define custom notification type (Optional)

First, define your notification type conforming NotificationType protocol.
It requires two text properties:

public protocol NotificationType {

    var text: String { get }

    var subtext: String? { get }


There are two predefined types conforming to NotificationType - Notification and String.
Notification is a simple notification with two required text properties with given parameters on initialization.
String also conforms to the protocol. It provides itself for text and always nil for subtext. If these types are enough for you, you do not have to define custom notification types.

2. Conform to PresentationContextType protocol

PresentationContextType is a context which notifications are presented.
You can customize apparances and behaviors of notifications as follows:

class MyContext :PresentationContextType {

    func attributesForNotification(notification: Notification) -> NotificationAttributeCollection {
        var attributes = NotificationAttributeCollection()
        attributes.image = UIImage(named: "Error")
        attributes.backgroundColor = .redColor()
        attributes.showsStatusBar = true
        return attributes


3. Present notifications and handle events

You can present notifications by calling Presenter.present() and handle events using method chaining:

Presenter.present("Hello, world", context: context) { (notification, _) in
    // Handling presentation
    print("\(notification) was presented.")
} .on(.Tap) { (notification, _, dismisser) in
    // Handling users tap
    print("\(notification) was tapped.")

    // You can dismiss the notification on user interaction using dismisser
    dismisser.dismiss { notification in
        // Handling dismissal by specific user interaction
        print("\(notification) was dismissed by tap.")
} .onDismissal { notification in
    // Handling dismissal
    print("\(notification) was dismissed.")

Configuring animations

You can specify animations on presentation as follows:

Presenter.present(..., animation: .Gravity) ...

animation can take an instance of Animation. There are three predefined animation values: Linear, Spring, and Gravity.

public struct Animation {
    public static let Linear: Animation
    public static let Spring: Animation
    public static let Gravity: Animation

Configuring presentation durations

You can also specify how long the notification will be presented:

Presenter.present(..., duration: 5.0) ...

You can specify nil for duration. Then the notification will not be dismissed automatically, so you have to dismiss the notification manually using dismisser given as a parameter of handlers of presentation or user interactions.


CRToastSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.