
Swift Web3 Ethereum library with OpenWallet support




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Ethereum Web3 Lirary for Swift with Open Wallet support


This library intergates Boilertalk/Web3.swift library with OpenWallet.swift and Wallet.swift.

It supports major Ethereum Web3 methods through HTTP.

Getting started


With OpenWallet.swift (Client)

Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Tesseract.OpenWallet/Ethereum'
pod 'Tesseract.EthereumWeb3'

# Uncomment this lines if you want to enable PromiseKit extensions
# pod 'Tesseract.OpenWallet/EthereumPromiseKit'
# pod 'Tesseract.EthereumWeb3/PromiseKit'

Then run pod install.

With Wallet.swift (Wallet)

Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Tesseract.Wallet/Ethereum'
pod 'Tesseract.EthereumWeb3'

# Uncomment this lines if you want to enable PromiseKit extensions
# pod 'Tesseract.Wallet/EthereumPromiseKit'
# pod 'Tesseract.EthereumWeb3/PromiseKit'

Then run pod install.

Supported methods

For the list of supported methods and API reference check Boilertalk/Web3.swift repository.


OpenWallet.swift (Client)

New transaction
import OpenWallet
import EthereumWeb3

let rpcUrl = "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/{API-KEY}"

// Initializing OpenWallet with Ethereum. Creating Web3 instance
// Store your OpenWallet instance somewhere(AppDelegate, Context). It should be reused.
// If you need only Web3, you can store it only(it will store OpenWallet inside itself).
let web3 = OpenWallet(networks: [.Ethereum]).ethereum.web3(rpcUrl: rpcUrl)

// Creating Transaction
let tx = EthereumTransaction(
    from: try! EthereumAddress(hex: "0x...", eip55: false),
    to: try! EthereumAddress(hex: "0x...", eip55: false),
    value: 1.eth

// Sending it. OpenWallet will handle signing automatically.
web3.eth.sendTransaction(transaction: tx) { response in
    switch response.status {
    case .success(let hash): print("TX Hash:", hash.hex())
    case .failure(let err): print("Error:", error)

Wallet.swift (Wallet)

New transaction
import Wallet
import EthereumWeb3

// Path to sqlite database with wallets
let dbPath = "path/to/database.sqlite"

// Wallet Storage
let storage = try! DatabaseWalletStorage(path: dbPath)

// Applying migrations
try! storage.bootstrap()

// Creating manager with Ethereum network support
let manager = try! Manager(networks: [EthereumNetwork()], storage: storage)

// Restoring wallet data from mnemonic
let walletData = try! manager.restoreWalletData(mnemonic: "aba caba ...", password: "12345678")

// Creating wallet from data
let wallet = try! manager.create(from: walletData)

// Unlocking wallet
try! wallet.unlock(password: "12345678")

// Adding first account 
let account = wallet.addAccount()

let rpcUrl = "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/{API-KEY}"

// Creating Web3 for this Wallet
let web3 = wallet.ethereum.web3(rpcUrl: rpcUrl)

// Creating Transaction
let tx = EthereumTransaction(
    from: try! account.eth_address().web3,
    to: try! EthereumAddress(hex: "0x...", eip55: false),
    value: 1.eth

// Wallet will sign this transaction automatically (with 'from' account)
web3.eth.sendTransaction(transaction: tx) { response in
    switch response.status {
    case .success(let hash): print("TX Hash:", hash.hex())
    case .failure(let err): print("Error:", error)



EthereumWeb3.swift is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.