
Fast and incremental Levenshtein and Longest Common Subsequence computation




A Clojure library for fast and incremental Levenshtein distance and Longest Common Subsequence computation by means of a trie.

Clemence is particularly useful for autocomplete task where a large list of words must be searched in order to account for typos and to show the closest match to the user.

You could also use clemence as a text search engine when searching among a description or name database. Simply load all the descriptions/names, search for the current input and compare the obtained results with the words on the description itself. Since Clemence can take typos into account, a simple equality test is all that's needed in order to check for it.


Clojars Project

Using clemence is very simple:

(ns example.core
  (:require [clemence.core :as clemence]))

;; populate a dictionary with the words that you want to search against
;; dict is a list of strings
(def dict (string/split (slurp "resources/words.txt") #"\s"))

;; build up a trie which will be used to incrementally compute the
;; fuzzy matching
(def trie (clemence/build-trie dict))

;; the trie, the word that you are looking for and a maximum edit distance
;; to avoid looking up every single word
(clemence/levenshtein trie "clemence" 3)
;;=> (["cement" 3] ["element" 3] ["clement" 2] ["Clement" 3] ["Clemens" 3] ["credence" 2] ["commence" 2] ["clemency" 1])

;; you can alternatively use the LCS to perform a similar search
;; Nevertheless now you should specify the minimum similarity of the two words
(clemence/lcs trie "clemence" 7)
;; => (["clemency" 7] ["inclemency" 7] ["clemency's" 7] ["Clemenceau" 7] ["coalescence" 7] ["inclemency's" 7] ["complemented" 7] ["convalescence" 7]  ["coalescence's" 7] ["convalescences" 7] ["convalescence's" 7])

The Levenshtein distance and the Longest Common Subsequence are rather complementary. One tells you how much do two strings differ whereas the other tells you how much do they have in common.


  • This is blazing fast !! Implementing the Levenshtein distance with a trie and a threshold reduces the search space and allows it to incrementally calculate it instead of allocating a matrix for any 2 string (naive strategy)
  • The resources/words.txt file shown above contains around One hundred thousand words, and both levenshtein and LCS computation above with a max-dist (min-length) of 2 (resp. 7) takes less than around 5 ms on my machine.
  • You should be carefull when setting a threshold as its time-impact is not linear. I generally prefer a threshold of 2 but that is up to you
  • For some reasons, downloading the file with slurp from github seems to give be extremelly slow on my machine. If it also happens to you, simply download the file manully and read it from disk.


Copyright © 2016 Camilo Roca

Distributed under the LGPL v3 License.