
Port of Ruby's Shellwords module



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Port of the Shellwords module from Ruby 2.1.0.

Leiningen dependency:

[clj-shellwords "1.0.1"]

Or, just copy and paste into your project! It's a small file, and the necessary BSD-compatible license is in the file header.


Most of the time, external commands should be called directly, exec(3) style:

(ns example
  (:require [ :refer [sh]]))

(defn exec [& args]
  (apply sh "myprog" args))

Sometimes, however, we have to use a shell:

(defn command-available? [cmd]
  (zero? (:exit (sh "sh" "-c" (str "command -v " cmd)))))

Unfortunately, the function above is sensitive to inputs with shell metacharacters, and can be easily abused:

(command-available? "; echo evil-key >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys & false")

We can protect against this by using the shell-escape function to escape metacharacters in our shell argument:

(ns example
  (:require [clj-shellwords.core :refer [shell-escape]]
            [ :refer [sh]]))

(defn command-available? [cmd]
  (let [escaped-cmd (shell-escape cmd)]
    (zero? (:exit (sh "sh" "-c" (str "command -v " escaped-cmd))))))


shell-split splits a string into an array of words in the same manner as a Bourne-compatible shell:

(shell-split "these are 'three shell tokens'")
; -> ["these" "are" "three shell tokens"]

This is useful when working with direct input from a shell.

Authors and License


Ruby License. See the LICENSE and BSDL files.