
An asynchronous testing framework for Clojure and Clojurescript.

asynchronous, asynchronous-programming, behavior-driven-development, clojure, clojurescript, hamcrest, hamcrest-matchers, testing, testing-framework, testing-tools, unit-testing



Build Status Clojars Project

Coconut is a testing framework for Clojure and ClojureScript. It aims to have a BDD-style syntax à la RSpec or Speclj, support for synchronous as well as asynchronous tests, easily-understood output, Hamcrest style matchers, and a way to easily define your own custom matchers.


Documentation is available at the above link. The entire public API for coconut is in the coconut.alpha namespace and should be adequately documented via docstrings. You can also invoke (coconut.alpha/explore) from the REPL to get a list of what's available.


I use this on my personal projects. I would not use this for client projects and neither should you! Use something more stable such as clojure.test, Speclj, or Midje.

Getting Started

To use Coconut you will need Java 8 and Clojure 1.9 or greater.

  1. Add the library to your list of dependencies

    [com.coconut-framework/coconut "x.x.x"]
    compile "com.coconut-framework:coconut:x.x.x"
  2. Write some tests

    (ns foo.core-test
      (:require [coconut.alpha :as c]))
    (c/describe #'+
      (c/it "returns the sum of two numbers"
        (c/assert-that (+ 1 2) (c/is 3))))


  1. Create a main function in your REPL namespace

    (ns foo.repl
      (:require [coconut.alpha :as c]))
    (defn run-tests
      (c/run {:reporters [:progress :results]
              :output :cli
              :criteria [:all]}))
  2. Require your test and run it

    (require 'foo.core-test)


Coconut does not currently have a Leiningen plugin. It's simple to create your own task, though. Something like this should do the trick...

(ns leiningen.coconut
    [leiningen.core.eval :as lce]

(defn coconut
  ([project & args]
   (lce/eval-in-project project
     '(do (with-out-str (ctnr/refresh))
          (let [result (c/run {:reporters [:progress :results]
                               :output :cli
                               :criteria [:and
                                          [:namespace-matches #"coconut.*-test"]
                                          [:not [:has-tag :fixture]]]})]
            (if (:coconut.alpha/success? result)
              (System/exit 0)
              (System/exit 1))))
     '(do (require '[ :as ctnr])
          (require '[coconut.alpha :as c])))))


Synchronous Tests

(require '[coconut.alpha :as c])

(c/deftest "+ returns the sum of two numbers"
  (c/assert-that (+ 1 2) (c/is 3)))

(c/describe "+"
  (c/it "returns the sum of two numbers"
    (c/assert-that (+ 1 2) (c/is 3))))

Asynchronous Tests

(require '[coconut.alpha :as c])

(c/deftest "+ returns the sum of two numbers"
  {:asynchronous {:timeout 250}}
    (c/assert-that (+ 1 2) (c/is 3))
(c/deftest* "+ returns the sum of two numbers"
  {:asynchronous {:timeout 250}}
  (fn [{:keys [::c/assert-that ::c/done]}]
      (assert-that (+ 1 2) (c/is 3))

(c/describe "+"
  (c/it "returns the sum of two numbers"
    {:asynchronous {:timeout 250}}
      (c/assert-that (+ 1 2) (c/is 3))

  (c/it* "returns the sum of three numbers"
    {:asynchronous {:timeout 250}}
    (fn [{:keys [::c/assert-that ::c/done]}]
        (assert-that (+ 1 2 3) (c/is 6))
(c/describe "+"
  {:asynchronous {:timeout 250}}

  (c/it "returns the sum of two numbers"
      (c/assert-that (+ 1 2) (c/is 3))

  (c/it* "returns the sum of three numbers"
    (fn [{:keys [::c/assert-that ::c/done]}]
        (assert-that (+ 1 2 3) (c/is 6))

Before/After Each

(require '[coconut.alpha :as c])

(def state
  (atom 0))

(c/describe "+"
    (fn []
      (reset! state 42)))

    (fn []
      (reset! state 0)))

  (c/it "returns the sum of two numbers"
    (c/assert-that (+ @state @state)
                   (c/is 84))))

Before/After All

(require '[coconut.alpha :as c])

(def state
  (atom 0))

(c/describe "+"
    (fn []
      (reset! state 42)))

    (fn []
      (reset! state 0)))

  (c/it "returns the sum of two numbers"
    (c/assert-that (+ @state @state)
                   (c/is 84))))

Around Each

(require '[coconut.alpha :as c])

(def ^{:dynamic true} *n*)

(c/describe "+"
    (fn [it]
      (binding [*n* 42]

  (c/it "returns the sum of two numbers"
    (c/assert-that (+ *n* *n*)
                   (c/is 84))))
(require '[coconut.alpha :as c])

(def state
  (atom 0))

(c/describe "+"
    (fn [it]
      (reset! state 42)
      (it (fn []
            (reset! state 0)))))

  (c/it "returns the sum of two numbers"
    (c/assert-that (+ @state @state)
                   (c/is 84))))


(require '[coconut.alpha :as c])

(c/describe "+"
    (fn [e]
      (assoc e :number 42)))

  (c/it "returns the sum of two numbers"
    (c/assert-that (+ (:number (c/current-environment))
                      (:number (c/current-environment)))
                   (c/is 84)))

  (c/it* "returns the sum of two numbers"
    (fn [{:keys [::c/assert-that :number]}]
      (assert-that (+ number number)
                   (c/is 84)))))

Exploring the API

(require '[coconut.alpha :as c])

(c/explore) ;;=>


Why it/deftest vs. it*/deftest*?

In ClojureScript there is no way to retain bindings across asynchronous boundaries. Because of this, it and deftest won't work correctly. You can, but don't have to, use it/deftest for everything in Clojure and for synchronous tests in ClojureScript. For asynchronous tests in ClojureScript you'll need to use it*/deftest* and utilize the assert-that/done functions which are injected into the test function. Here's the relevant ticket for more information