
Compass plugin for Conveyor



An asset pipeline for Clojure web apps.

Conveyor includes plugins for:

  • ClojureScript
  • Closure
  • CoffeeScript
  • Compass
  • Sass

Using the :runtime strategy, Conveyor finds and compiles assets on each request. If a file in the load-paths can be compiled into the requested file given the configured compilers, an asset-map will be returned.

Using the :precompiled strategy, Conveyor finds precompiled assets in the configured :output-dir by looking up asset-paths in the manifest. Assets must be precompiled using precompile, which writes asset-maps to the manifest and writes compiled files to the :output-dir.

asset-url returns the url for a compiled asset.


Using Leiningen

Include Conveyor in your :dependencies

[conveyor "0.2.8"]


Include plugins in your :dev profile :dependencies

:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [conveyor-sass "0.2.8"]
                               [conveyor-compass "0.2.8"]
                               [conveyor-clojurescript "0.2.8"]}}

Manual Installation

  1. Check out the source code:
  2. Install it:
$ rake install



(def default-pipeline-config
  {:load-paths []
   :cache-dir "target/conveyor-cache"
   :strategy :runtime
   :compilers []
   :compressors []
   :prefix "/"
   :output-dir "public"
   :compress false
   :compile true
   :pipeline-enabled true})
  • :load-paths - The load-paths for your assets
  • :cache-dir - The cache-dir
  • :strategy - :runtime or :precompiled
  • :compilers - The list of compilers
  • :compressor - The list of compressors
  • :prefix - The prefix to append to asset-urls
  • :output-dir - The output directory for precompiled assets
  • :compress - Compress assets when true
  • :compile - Compile assets when true
  • :pipeline-enabled - No compile or compress when false

Additional Optional Keys

  • :asset-host - The asset host for assets
  • :use-digest-path - Appends the md5 digest to the filename when true
  • :manifest - The directory to write the manifest, otherwise the :output-dir + :prefix is used

Example Runtime Config

{:load-paths [{:type :directory
               :path "src/assets/scss"}
              {:type :directory
               :path "src/assets/images"}
              {:type :directory
               :path "src/assets/fonts"}
              {:type :resource-directory
               :path "src/assets/files"}
              {:type :directory
               :path "src/assets/javascripts"}
              {:type :directory
               :path "src/cljs"}]
 :use-digest-path false
 :plugins [:sass :compass {:plugin-name :clojurescript
                           :optimizations :whitespace
                           :pretty-print false}]
 :prefix "/assets"
 :output-dir "resources/public"
 :strategy :runtime}

Example Precompiled Config

{:strategy :precompiled
 :pipeline-enabled false
 :prefix "/assets"
 :output-dir "resources/public"
 :use-digest-path true}



wrap-asset-pipeline can be used to serve assets when using the :runtime pipeline strategy.

(ns sample.core
  (:require [conveyor.middleware :refer [wrap-asset-pipeline]]))

(def config {:strategy :runtime})

(def handler
  (-> app
    (wrap-asset-pipeline config)))


wrap-pipeline-config can be used to initialize the pipeline with a given config for calls to asset-url. wrap-pipeline-config does not serve assets, so other middleware like Ring wrap-file-info and wrap-resource can be used to serve precompiled assets.

(ns sample.core
  (:require [conveyor.middleware :refer [wrap-pipeline-config]]))

(def config {:strategy :precompiled})

(def handler
  (-> app
    (wrap-resource "public")
    (wrap-pipeline-config config)))


asset-url returns the url for an asset name.

(ns sample.core
  (:require [conveyor.core :refer [asset-url]]))

(def prefix-config {:load-paths [{:type :directory :path "src/javascripts"}]
                    :prefix "/assets"})

(with-pipeline-config prefix-config
  (asset-url "application.js")  ;=> "/assets/application.js"
  (asset-url "other/index.js")) ;=> "/assets/other/index.js"

(def host-config {:load-paths [{:type :directory :path "src/javascripts"}]
                  :asset-host ""})

(with-pipeline-config host-config
  (asset-url "application.js")) ;=> ""

(def digest-path-config {:load-paths [{:type :directory :path "src/javascripts"}]
                         :prefix "/assets"
                         :use-digest-path true})

(with-pipeline-config digest-path-config
  (asset-url "application.js")) ;=> "/assets/application-200368af90cc4c6f4f1ddf36f97a279e.js"


precompile compiles a collection of filenames, or matching files given a regex, to the :output-dir and writes each asset-map to a manifest.

(ns sample.precompile
  (:require [conveyor.core :refer [with-pipeline-config]]
            [conveyor.precompile :refer [precompile]]))

(def config {:load-paths [{:type :directory :path "src/assets"}]
             :plugins [:sass :compass]})

(def assets ["application.css" "application.js"
             #".*\.pdf" #".*\.eot" #".*\.svg" #".*\.ttf" #".*\.woff" #".*\.jpg" #".*\.png"])

(defn -main [& args]
  (with-pipeline-config config
    (precompile assets)))


find-asset returns a map

(ns sample.core
  (:require [conveyor.core :refer [find-asset]]))

(defn config {:use-digest-path true})

(with-pipeline-config config
  (find-asset "test2.css"))
{:digest-path "test2-9d7e7252425acc78ff419cf3d37a7820.css",
 :digest "9d7e7252425acc78ff419cf3d37a7820",
 :body ".test2 { color: black; }\n",
 :absolute-path "/home/conveyor/conveyor/test_fixtures/public/stylesheets/test2.css",
 :content-length 25
 :extension "css",
 :logical-path "test2.css"}
(defn config {:use-digest-path false
              :pipeline-enabled false})

(with-pipeline-config config
  (find-asset "test2.css"))
{:digest "9d7e7252425acc78ff419cf3d37a7820",
 :body #<File test2.css>,
 :absolute-path "/home/conveyor/conveyor/test_fixtures/public/stylesheets/test2.css",
 :content-length 25
 :last-modified "Thu, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT"
 :extension "css",
 :logical-path "test2.css"}


Conveyor uses Leiningen version 2.0.0 or later.

Clone the master branch, build, and run the library and plugin tests:

$ git clone
$ cd conveyor
$ rake

To run only the conveyor library tests:

$ cd conveyor
$ lein spec

Make patches and submit them along with an issue (see below).


Post issues on the conveyor github project:


Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Myles Megyesi All Rights Reserved.

Distributed under the The MIT License.