
Clojure implementation of the DBSCAN clustering algorithm




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A Clojure library that implements a functional version of DBSCAN. You can find the original algorithm here

You should note that the algorithm has been modified to adapt to a more functional approach since the original algorithm does a lot of in-place state mutations.

This project is still under heavy development, beware of the version number. (semantic versioning)


Clojars Project

data must be a vector of vectors representing the points to cluster. This is due to the difference in lookup performance between list and vectors in clojure.

The DBSCAN function can be used as:

(DBSCAN data eps minpts)

DBSCAN returns a vector whose first value is a vector of clusters (hash-sets) and whose second value is a sequence of points classified as noise.

DBSCAN uses the Euclidean distance as a default metric and an square distance matrix (represented as a lower triangular matrix) as a region-query function. It is also possible to use a custom distance and a region-query function as 4th and 5th parameters. Both the distance and the region-query function MUST be free of side effects. Also the distance function should comply with the second and third properties of metric functions. Otherwise you would have to use your own region-query function in combination with your distance function.

The region-query function should be callable as:

(region-query eps index)

where index is the index at which a specific point can be found in the data sequence

###Example The following example was taken from: https://www.npmjs.com/package/density-clustering

(DBSCAN [[1,1] [0,1] [1,0] [10,10] [10,13] [13,13] [54,54] [55,55] [89,89] [57,55]]
        5 2)
; [[#{0 1 2} #{7 6 9} #{4 3 5}] (8)]

##Test simply do

$ git clone https://github.com/carocad/dbscan.clj.git
$ cd ./dbscan.clj
$ lein test

The performed test are much more interesting than the previously shown example. I encourage you to add even more (generative) tests.


  • There is currently no benchmark
  • The algorithm is still very basic, probably a lot of performance optimizations can be made
  • Some more clustering test will be eventually added to check the proper functioning of the algorithm
  • Don't expect this repository to include an R* tree indexing structure. That is outside of the scope of this project. If you know one, by all means let me know so that I can link it here for other people to use them together.


Copyright © 2015 Camilo Roca

Distributed under the LGPL v3 License