
A crate to get facts from server nodes and test these facst against your expectation.

certificate, clojure, dda-pallet, network, pallet, serverspec-crate, testing



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Usage Summary


dda-pallet is compatible with the following versions

  • pallet 0.9
  • clojure 1.10
  • (x)ubunutu 18.04 / 20.04


The dda-serverspec-crate allows you to specify expected state for target-systems and test against their current state. dda-serverspec-crate provides tests for:

  • execution against localhost, remote hoste or multiple remote hosts.
  • files or folders presence / absence, plus specific FilePermissions/group/owner.
  • packages are installed / uninstalled
  • services listening to ip & port
  • validity of local certificate files
  • validity of certificates by https - maybe remote or localhost.
  • network connectivity to remote systems


There are two modes of testing targets, either local or remote. Local tests are executed on the system the jar is running on. Local tests are executed by the current user.


Remote tests are collection state (we name it facts) from target system on compare these facts against expectation on the system executing the dda-serverspec jar. Facts are collected via ssh & bash. Test utils, needed, can be installed by using the installation phase (use --install-dependencies on the command line).


Usage Summary

  1. Download the jar-file from the releases page of this repository (e.g. curl -L -o dda-serverspec-standalone.jar https://github.com/DomainDrivenArchitecture/dda-serverspec-crate/releases/download/1.2.1/dda-serverspec-standalone.jar)
  2. Create the files serverspec.edn (Convention-Schema for all your tests) and target.edn (Schema for Targets to be provisioned) according to the reference and our example configurations. Please create them in the same folder where you've saved the jar-file. For more information about these files refer to the corresponding information below.
  3. Start testing:
java -jar dda-serverspec-standalone.jar --targets targets.edn serverspec.edn

If you want to test on your localhost you don't need a target config.

java -jar dda-serverspec-standalone.jar serverspec.edn


The configuration consists of two files defining both WHERE to test and WHAT to test.

  • example-targets.edn: describes on which target system(s) the software will be installed
  • example-ide.edn: describes which software/packages will be installed

You can download examples of these configuration files from
example-targets.edn and
example-serverspec.edn respectively.

Targets config example

Example content of the file, example-targets.edn:

{:existing [{:node-name "test-vm1"          ; semantic name
             :node-ip ""}      ; the ip4 address of the machine to be provisioned
            {:node-name "test-vm2"
             :node-ip ""}]
  {:login "initial"                         ; account used to provision
   :password {:plain "secure1234"}}}        ; optional password, if no ssh key is authorized

Serverspec config example

Example content of the file, example-serverspec.edn:

{:netstat [{:process-name "sshd" :port "11" :running? false}
           {:process-name "sshd" :port "22" :ip "" :exp-proto "tcp"}
           {:process-name "sshd" :port "22" :ip "::" :exp-proto "tcp6"}
           {:process-name "dhclient" :port "68" :ip ""}]
 :file [{:path "/root/.bashrc" :user "root"}
        {:path "/etc"}
        {:path "/absent" :exist? false}
        {:path "/root/.profile" :mod "644" :user "root" :group "root"}
        {:path "/etc/resolv.conf" :link-to "../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf"}]
 :netcat [{:host "www.google.com" :port 80}
          {:host "www.google.c" :port 80 :reachable? false}]
 :package [{:name "test" :installed? false}
           {:name "nano"}]
 :http [{:url "https://domaindrivenarchitecture.org"
         :expiration-days 15}]
 :iproute [{:ip "" :via ""}
           {:hostname "stackoverflow.com" :via ""}]}

Watch log for debug reasons

In case any problems occur, you may want to have a look at the log-file: less logs/pallet.log


Some details about the architecture:

  • target: How targets can be specified
  • Convention-Level-API: The high level API with built-in conventions.
  • Infra-Level-API: If these conventions don't fit your needs, you can use our low-level API (infra) and easily realize your own conventions.


You can define provisioning targets using the targets-schema

Convention API

You can use our conventions as a starting point: see donvention reference

Infra API

Or you can build your own conventions using our low level infra API. We will keep this API backward compatible whenever possible: see infra reference


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