eg delivers clojure.test function tests with conciseness.

clojure, clojurescript-js, clojurescript-jvm, tests



Clojars Project CircleCI codecov Universal Permissive License v1.0

eg delivers clojure.test function tests with conciseness.

(deftest inc-test
  (is (= 1 (inc 0))))

in eg becomes:

(eg inc 0 1)

Check the ideas driving eg.


Disclaimer: eg is work-in-progress. Use it at your own risk!


[eg "0.4.3-alpha"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn

eg {:mvn/version "0.4.3-alpha"}


eg stands for e.g. (short for example), and ge is just eg reversed. Reversed example: (ge inc 1 [0]).

Let's try eg! Start by creating a REPL session and then requiring eg and ge:

(require '[eg :refer [eg ge]])

Each eg test tests one function using examples. You could think of it as a function's test definition:

  (eg not   ; testing clojure.core/not
    false   ; with input parameter `false`
    true)   ; returning expected value `true`

a clojure.test test named not-test was generated.

If a function under test takes multiple parameters, we need to wrap these under a vector:

(eg * [3 2] 6)

Each eg test can contain an arbitrary number of examples:

  (eg *
    [3]   3
    [3 2] 6)

There are times when we prefer to have expected values on the left, and input parameters on the right. For that we use ge, a useful mnemonic for the inverted flow of the test example:

  (ge + 10 [3 7])

Predicates can also be used in place of an expected value:

(eg dec [4] integer?)

=> or <= delimiters between input parameters and expected value can be used to improve readability, or override the default order of eg or ge.

(eg hash-map
  [:d 1] {:d 1}
  [:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4] => {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4}
  map? <= {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4})

ex makes it possible to test the result of calling an arbitrary form expression. Typical scenarios include testing the result of calling a macro (eg, and ge only support function testing), or decomposing the assertion of different properties or values from calling a form:

(let [test-eg-ret (ex (inc 0) 1)
      f-len (count "eg-test-")]
  ; arrows are compulsory
  (ex var? <= test-eg-ret
      (-> test-eg-ret meta :test) => boolean
      (-> test-eg-ret meta :test) => fn?
      (-> test-eg-ret meta :name name (subs f-len)) => not-empty))
  ;=> eg-test-<rand-id>

  (ex (true? false) => false) ;=> eg-test-<rand-id>

There are times when we just want to test a certain input parameter value, but fill the remainder input parameters nevertheless. eg provides a don't care placeholder _, for these cases:

(eg vector
  [1 2 3 4] [1 2 3 4]
  [5 6 _ 8] vector?
  [4 _ 5]   vector?)

We can arbitrarily name a don't care parameter by prefixing its name with $. A named don't care can also be bound with parts on the expected result:

(eg assoc-in
  [{} [:a :b] {:eggs "boiled"}] => {:a {:b {:eggs "boiled"}}}
  [_ $spam _] => map?
  [_ _ $eggs] => {:a {:b $eggs}})

When writing the assertion, don't cares enable us to spend less time doing fillers, and the reader is able to better understand the focus of the assertion.

As a personal experience, writing tests often becomes an afterthought, because creating test boilerblate like a new test namespace, requiring test forms and functions under test is too much of a hassle, while being immersed on writting code. It makes sense to have test forms globally available that we use almost as often as defn. Introducing set-eg!! Call it at the development entrypoint of your program:

(require '[eg :refer [set-eg!]])
;=> :reloading ()
;=> #{#'clojure.core/eg #'clojure.core/ex #'clojure.core/ge}

Now use eg, ge, and ex anywhere you want to create new tests!

PS - This functionality is only supported in Clojure.

It's possible to run only selected tests by using metadata ^:focus on eg or ge:

(eg ^:focus false? [false] true)

There are some caveats to consider when using ^:focus with ClojureScript:

  1. The tests report counts towards non focused tests, although assertions under such tests are not executed.
  2. Assertions for tests defined directly with clojure.test/deftest will be executed, despite the presence of focused eg, or ge tests.

Skip running certain tests or assertions using vanilla Clojure(Script) code:

#_(eg count ['(9 8 7)]

(eg count
 ; ['(9 8 7)] 3
 ['(9 8 7 6)] 4)

Between eg, and ge, choose the form that is most convenient for your combination of function examples and use it only once for testing a function. For example, don't do this:

(ge inc [1] 2)
(ge inc [0] 1)

or this:

(eg inc [1] 2)
(ge inc [0] 1)

Remove WARNING: eg is a single segment namespace warning with the compiler option single-segment-namespace:

         {:single-segment-namespace false}}}]}}

Run your tests

Finally, run your tests as you normally would with clojure.test.

Clojure tests in the REPL:

; or
(clojure.test/run-tests some.ns)

Clojure tests in the terminal:

> lein test

ClojureScript tests in the REPL:

; or
(cljs.test/run-tests some.ns)

Run eg's own tests

Run tests expected to pass, targeting Clojure:

> lein clj-test-pass

Run tests expected to pass, targeting ClojureScript JVM->nodejs:

> lein cljs-test-pass

Run tests expected to fail, targeting Clojure:

> lein clj-test-fail

Run tests expected to fail, targeting ClojureScript JVM->nodejs:

> lein cljs-test-fail

Run tests expected to pass, targeting ClojureScript JS:

> lein tach planck
# or
> lein tach lumo

Test libraries which work great with eg

  • eftest – Eftest is a fast and pretty Clojure test runner.
  • humane-test-output – Humane test output for clojure.test


Copyright (c) 2019 Carlos da Cunha Fontes

The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0