
Defines a IGraph protocol for maintaining a querying different graph implementations




IGraph defines a protocol which aims to capture some generality amongst a plurality of graph-based representations (RDF, datascript, datomic....)

There is also a type Graph defined which implements IGraph.


This is deployed to clojars:

Clojars Project


The IGraph protocol specifies the following functions:

Member access

  • (normal-form g) -> {s {p #{o...}...}...}
  • (subjects g) -> (s ...), a collection of subjects
  • (get-p-o g s) -> {p #{o...} ...}
  • (get-o g s p) -> #{o ...}
  • (ask g s p o) -> truthy
  • (query g q) -> collection of {var value ...} maps

Membership changes

  • (read-only? g) -> true if changing membership throws an exception
  • (add g to-add) -> new graph with to-add present
  • (subtract g to-subtract) -> new graph with to-subtract absent

Also a corresponding invoke to support IFn as follows

  • (g) = (normal-form g)
  • (g s) -> {p #{o...} ...}
  • (g s p) -> #{o ...}
  • (g s p o) -> truthy


There is a traversal regime based on a calling function called traverse:

  • (traverse g traversal context acc queue) -> acc

    ... traversing g per the traversal function, starting with the first element of queue, possibly informed by context.

This function will repeatedly call traversal, consuming the head of queue, aggregating into the accumulator acc, with each iteration, returning acc when queue is empty. Each execution of the traversal function should return an altered queue. This may just be the tail of the previous queue, but could also be for example reordered and truncated to define a beam search. Appending to the queue would implement a breadth-first search; prepending would implement a depth-first search.

The context argument is a map containing key-values which may inform the course of the traversal. These may include:

  • :history this will be set by traverse, and updated to hold all elements encountered in the course of the traversal. In order to avoid cycles, any element in the history will be skipped should it ever re-appear at the head of the queue.
  • :skip? (optional) a function (fn[x] ...) -> truthy (or a set) which will override :history, specifiable at initialization or by the traversal function during execution.
  • :seek (optional) a function (fn [context acc]...) -> <acc'>. If specified, this function will be called at the beginning of each traversal, and if truthy and non-empty the traversal will end immediately with that value. If specified and the queue is empty, the output of this function will be the value of the function.
Traversal functions

A traversal function has the signature (fn [g context acc queue]...) -> [context' acc' queue'].

The context argument can contain key/values specific to the traversal function can also be specified at initialization or as the output of the traversal function itself. This might for example be data that guides some kind of beam-search.

  • (trasitive-closure p) -> (fn [g context acc to-visit] ...) -> [context' acc' queue'], a traversal argument to traverse.
As the p argument in accessors

Recall that implementations of IGraph should provide invoke functions with 0-3 arguments.

Two of these functions involve specification of a p parameter:

(g s p) -> {<o>...}
(g s p o) -> truthy.

(match-or-traverse g s p) -> #{...} (match-or-traverse g s p o) -> truthy

IGraph defines a multi-method match-or-traverse dispatched on the output of `(p-dipatcher p) -> :match | :traverse.

The :match method should simply imply the corresponding "get" function above, :traverse method will expect p to be a traversal function whose acc is a set of graph elements.

Thus implementations of IGraph would typically define invoke involving p arguments using match-or-traverse.

See also the examples in the Graph section below.

Multimethods to add/remove from graph

There are multi-methods defined add-to-graph and remove-from-graph, dispatched on alter-graph-dispatcher

(alter-graph-dispatcher g to-add-or-remove)
One of :normal-form, :vector, :vector-of-vectors, or the type of `to-add-or-remove`

Implementations of IGraph will typically define methods for each of these values when defining add and subtract.


  • (normal-form? m) -> true iff m is a map in normal form.

The source file has fairly explicit docstrings.


It may make sense for some implementations of IGraph also to implement the basic set operations, defined in ISet:

  • (union g1 12) -> A new graph with all triples from both graphs
  • (difference g1 g2) -> A new graph with triples in g1 not also in g2
  • (intersection g1 g2) -> A new graph with only triples shared in both graphs


The Graph type is a very lightweight implementation of IGraph. The aim here, aside from demonstrating IGraph, is to add just one layer of expressiveness over the map construct.

To create:

#object[igraph.graph.Graph 0x67e46c69 "igraph.graph.Graph@67e46c69"]

One adds to it like this (returns a new immutable object):

(add my-graph
  [[:john :isa :person]
   [:john :likes :meat]
   [:john :name {:value "John" :lang "en"}]
    :isa :person
    :likes :coke
    :name {:value "Mary" :lang "en"}
   [:likes :isa :property]
   [:isa :isa :property]
   [:meat :isa :food]
   [:coke :isa :drink]
   [:drink :subClassOf :consumable]
   [:food :subClassOf :consumable]
   [:consumable :subClassOf :thing]
   [:person :subClassOf :thing]
#object[igraph.graph.Graph 0x58b96f62 "igraph.graph.Graph@58b96f62"]

The subjects function will give you the subjects:

(subjects my-graph)
(:john :mary :likes :isa :meat :coke :drink :food :consumable :person)

Invoked without arguments gives you normal form:

(pprint (my-graph))
{:consumable {:subClassOf #{:thing}},
 :person {:subClassOf #{:thing}},
 :isa {:isa #{:property}},
 :drink {:subClassOf #{:consumable}},
 :likes {:isa #{:property}},
 :coke {:isa #{:drink}},
 :meat {:isa #{:food}},
 :food {:subClassOf #{:consumable}},
 {:isa #{:person},
  :likes #{:meat},
  :name #{{:value "John", :lang "en"}}},
 {:isa #{:person},
  :likes #{:coke},
  :name #{{:value "Mary", :lang "en"}}}}

Invoked with a subject gives you its predicate-object map:

(my-graph :john)
{:isa #{:person}, 
 :likes #{:meat}, 
 :name #{{:value "John", :lang "en"}}}

Invoked with a subject and predicate gives you the set of objects:

(my-graph :john :likes)

Traversal is done with a function that returns the accumulator and a possibly empty list of nodes in the graph still to visit...

(def g (add (make-graph) [[:a :subClassOf :b] 
                          [:b :subClassOf :c]
                          [:c :subClassOf :d]]))

(defn subClassOf* [g context acc to-visit]
    (conj acc (first to-visit)),
    (concat (rest to-visit) (g (first to-visit) :isa))])
(traverse g subClassOf* [] [:a])
[:a :b :c :d]

The subClassOf* function defined above is equivalent to transitive-closure:

(traverse g (transitive-closure :subClassOf) [] [:a])
[:a :b :c :d]

A graph can be invoked with a subject and a traversal function as its p argument, which will give you the result of the traversal with a starting queue of [s]:

(def subClassOf* (transitive-closure :subClassOf))

(my-graph :drink subClassOf*)
#{:consumable :drink :thing}

If you're sure there's only going to be one object you can use the unique function:

(unique (my-graph :john :likes))

(unique #{:just-me :no-theres-me-too!})
Exception Non-unique: #{:no-theres-me-too! :just-me}

Invoked with subject, predicate and object gives you the object (if its there):

(my-graph :john :likes :meat)

Or with with a traversal function:

(my-graph :drink subClassOf* :thing)
;; ->

Querying is done with a very simple graph pattern using keywords starting with ?:

(query my-graph
    [[:?liker :likes :?likee]
     [:?likee :isa :?type]])
#{{:?type :drink, :?likee :coke, :?liker :mary}
  {:?type :food, :?likee :meat, :?liker :john}}

We can also use traversal functions for the p argument:

(query my-graph
  [[:?liker :likes :?likee]
   [:?likee :isa :?class]
   [:?class subClassOf* :?super]])
#{{:?super :thing, :?class :food, :?likee :meat, :?liker :john}
  {:?super :thing, :?class :drink, :?likee :coke, :?liker :mary}
  {:?super :food, :?class :food, :?likee :meat, :?liker :john}
  {:?super :consumable, :?class :drink, :?likee :coke, :?liker :mary}
  {:?super :consumable, :?class :food, :?likee :meat, :?liker :john}
  {:?super :drink, :?class :drink, :?likee :coke, :?liker :mary}}

One subtracts from it like this (also returns new immutable object):

    (add (make-graph) 
         [[:a :b :c :d :e] [:g :h :i]])
;; -> 
;; {:g {:h #{:i}}}

    (add (make-graph) 
         [[:a :b :c :d :e] [:g :h :i]])
    [:a :b]))
;; ->
;; {:a {:d #{:e}}, :g {:h #{:i}}}

    (add (make-graph) 
         [[:a :b :c :d :e] [:g :h :i]])
    [:a :b :c]))
;; ->
;; {:a {:d #{:e}}, :g {:h #{:i}}}

    (add (make-graph) 
         [[:a :b :c :d :e] [:g :h :i]])
    [[:a :b][:g :h :i]]))
;; ->
;; {:a {:d #{:e}}}

Graph also implements the ISet functions union, difference and intersection.

See also the test file.


Probably lots. This is brand-spankin' new.


Copyright © 2019 Eric D. Scott

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.