
Common Clojure utility functions I use.




Common Clojure utility functions I use.

Travis GitHub license Clojars


  • Stuart Sierra's Component
    • IdempotentLifecycle protocol to make it easier to implement Lifecycle idempotently.
  • Ring
    • make-handler function that wraps a handler function with middleware that adds components to the request map
  • Aleph
    • AlephRingServer component (uses IdempotentLifecycle and make-handler)
    • websocket->async for using core.async as interface to an Aleph websocket on server-side
    • async->websocket for using core.async as interface to an Aleph websocket on client-side
  • Transducers
    • peek for applying a function to each item coming through the transducer, without modifying it
    • reductions for accumulating the results of a function and having the accumulated result as of each item be passed to the next item in the stack