
Experiment w/ OpenCL voxel raymarching via Clojure

clojure, opencl, renderer, voxel




Experimental OpenCL voxel rendering/raymarching via Clojure REPL.


git clone git@github.com:thi-ng/raymarchcl.git
cd raymarchcl
lein repl

Prepare test voxel data

(require '[thi.ng.raymarchcl.core :as rm])
(require '[thi.ng.raymarchcl.generators :as gen])
(require '[thi.ng.raymarchcl.io :as vio])

;; generates a 134MB binary file in project root for later reference
(vio/save-volume "gyroid-512.vox" 512 (gen/make-gyroid-volume {:vres [512 512 512]}))

Rendering from the REPL

 :width 640 :height 360
 :iter 1
 :vres 512 :vname "gyroid-512.vox"
 :mat :orange-stripes
 :theta -45 :dist 2.25 :dof 1e-5
 :out-path "out.jpg")

Important note: Increase the :iter count for better quality images!

Material presets are defined in the materials namespace, currently only:

  • :orange-stripes
  • :metal
  • :metal2
  • :ao

Different voxel value bands are mapped to different materials within each preset.

Gallery of selected experiments

Stanford Dragon



Stanford bunny


Gyroid isosurface

The next two images were rendered w/ 100 iteration to reduce DOF noise








NVidia Tesla on EC2

These images were rendered using Tesla instances on AWS EC2 (back in 2013)




Copyright © 2013 - 2015 Karsten Schmidt

Distributed under the Apache Software License 2.0