
OneLog implementation for ring-logger



ring-logger-onelog Circle CI

OneLog implementation for ring-logger

Clojars Project

Migration from ring.middleware.logger

The migration is pretty straightforward:

  • Replace dependency in project.clj from [ring.middleware.logger "0.5.0"] to [ring-logger-onelog "0.7.6"]
  • Replace the require from [ring.middleware.logger :as logger] to [ring.logger.onelog :as logger]
  • Pass options to wrap-with-logger using a proper map instead of keyword arguments.


In your project.clj, add the following dependencies:

[ring-logger-onelog "0.7.6"]

Add the middleware to your stack, using the onelog implementation. It's similar to using the default ring-logger, but requiring the onelog namespace:

(ns foo
  (:require [ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
            [ring.logger.onelog :as logger.onelog]))

(defn my-ring-app [request]
  {:status 200
   :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
   :body "Hello world!"})

(jetty/run-jetty (logger.onelog/wrap-with-logger my-ring-app) {:port 8080})

Differences from plain ring-logger

Each request is assigned a random 4-hex-digit ID, so that different log messages pertaining to the same request can be cross-referenced.

These IDs are printed in random ANSI colors by default, for easy visual correlation of log messages while reading a log file.

  • Q: I don't want ANSI colors, how can I remove them?
  • A: Use the :printer :no-color option when creating the logger:
(logger.onelog/wrap-with-logger my-ring-app {:printer :no-color})

Log Levels

The logger logs at INFO level by default. More verbose information is logged when the logger is at DEBUG level.

We can use OneLog's convenience methods to change the log level:



Pull requests, issues and any feedback are all welcome!


Copyright © 2015 Nicolás Berger, 2012-2014 Paul Legato

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.