
Monitor your Telegram bot activity with ease




A Clojure library which might help you to create telegram bots in clojure. Generated docs. Slark is an alpha quality software and also API may change in future.

Your first bot

Writing telegram bots should be as painful as possible. Here is a tiny snippent to give you an idea how easy to write bots with Slark and core.async:

(ns user
  (:require [slark :refer :all]
            [slark.telegram :refer :all]))

;; Here we define our command handler which accepts an Update as argument. 
;; Notice it's just a simple plain function
(defn- echo
  (let [message (get-message update)
        chat-id (get-in message [:chat :id])
        text (:text message)]
    (send-message chat-id (str "received '" text "'"))))

;; Create **core.async** channel which will take telegram updates. 
;; Originally without any transducer being applied this channel will transmit update batches like:
{:ok true,
 [{:update-id 5546450,
   {:message-id 207,
    :from {:id 1234, :first-name "Sergey,", :last-name "Stupin"},
    {:id 1234,
     :first-name "Sergey,",
     :last-name "Stupin,",
     :type "private"},
    :date 1467668230,
    :text "/echo hi,",
    :entities [{:type "bot_command,", :offset 0, :length 5}]}}]}

(def c (chan 1 (comp 
                ;; ignore empty update results
                (filter (comp not-empty :result))
                ;; just print for fun
                (map #(do (println %) (:result %)))
                ;; push updates one by one to channel instead of an array
                ;; (look at docs
                ;; command-handling function is part of the Slark API. 
                ;;It creates fully functionl clojure transducer
                (command-handling "echo" echo))))

;; Notice how we just applied clojure transducers to our channel. 
;; Here is an excellent introduction to transducers 

;; updates-onto-chan - it's a very thin layer on top of Telegram native API.
;; To stop processing telegram updates - just call `(terminate)`.
(def terminate (updates-onto-chan c))

;; to make sure that channel's buffer's limit will not be exceeded 
;; we have to take values from channel 
(go-loop [update (<! c)]
  (when update
    (do (println "Update" (:update-id update) "processed")
        (recur (<! c)))))

That's it! Now you can type /echo hello world in your chat with bot and receive echo answer.

Telegram API usage

Firstly you have to provide bot token. You can pass token manually:

user> (require '[slark.telegram :as t])
user> (def chat-id 1234)
user> (t/send-message chat-id "hello-world" {:token "1234:ABCD"})
{:ok true, :result {:message-id 19, :from {:id 737373, :first-name "bot-name", :username "some_bot_name"}, :chat {:id 1234, :first-name "Sergey", :last-name "Stupin", :type "private"}, :date 1465858266, :text "hello-world"}}

If token is not provided manually then token will be obtained via Environ library. For example you might create file .lein-env in project directory with the following content:

{:telegram-bot-token  "your_token"}

and then you can send message to chat like this:

user> (require '[slark.telegram :as t])
user> (def chat-id 1234)
user> (t/send-message chat-id "hello-world")
{:ok true, :result {:message-id 19, :from {:id 737373, :first-name "bot-name", :username "some_bot_name"}, :chat {:id 1234, :first-name "Sergey", :last-name "Stupin", :type "private"}, :date 1465858266, :text "hello-world"}}

You can find more examples in tests.


[org.clojars.hsestupin/slark "0.0.5"]


Copyright © 2016 FIXME

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.