
Clojure library for off-heap hash table backed by a memory-mapped file




Magic-powder is a Clojure library for creating and using a hashtable that is backed by a memory-mapped file. You can create the hashtable in one process, copy the file to another machine, and map the file into another process there.

Mapping an existing hashtable is simply an mmap() call to map the file into the process's address space. Compared to deserializing a clojure map or nippy map, this uses very little CPU, and therefore little interference with latency-sensitive processes.


  • Keys are strings with a max size that must be specified when creating the hash table.
  • Values are arrays of either bytes or doubles. The size must be specified when creating the hash table.
  • The hash table's capacity (max. number of key–value pairs) and the number of hash buckets must be specified when creating the hash table and cannot be changed.
  • There are no functions for modifying or deleting a key–value pair after it has been added.

Given these limitations, magic-powder works best in situations where the hash table is created in batch, shipped, and then used in read-only mode.


Clojars Project

(require '[magic-powder :as mp])

;; Write bytes
(with-open [ht (mp/create-hash-table 3 4 100 200
  (mp/insert-bytes! ht "foo"
                       (.getBytes "quux" "UTF-8")))

;; Read bytes
(with-open [ht (mp/open-hash-table "/tmp/bytes.ht")]
  (vec (mp/get-bytes ht "foo")))
;; => [113 117 117 120]

;; Write doubles
(with-open [ht (mp/create-hash-table 3 16 100 200
  (mp/insert-doubles! ht "foo" [3.14 2.718]))

Writing to or reading from a closed hash table causes a magic_powder.ClosedException.


Magic-powder contains a shared library written in C. The Clojure code uses the Java Native Interface (JNI) to call the C code.

The various Leiningen commands (e.g., lein uberjar) should build the C library first and store the shared library under target/resources. At run time, the shared library is read from the resources, written to a temporary file, and loaded.

Because the shared library consists of native code for the platform on which it was compiled, the uberjar built this way will only work on that platform.

Build for multiple platforms

If the environment variable MAGIC_POWDER_BUILD_FAT_UBERJAR is set, then the various Leiningen commands will run make fat instead of just make. This will attempt to build shared libraries for both macOS and Linux. This will only work if run on macOS with docker.


Copyright © 2017 Yieldbot, Inc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.