A lightweight router library
Simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ExtRouter'
It`s easy to use ExtRouter, you can clone this repository and run exapmle project to see how it works. In most cases, you only need to perform the following steps
Override +[UIViewController ext_uniqueNames] method
// StoreViewController.m ... + (NSArray *)ext_uniqueNames { return @[ @"store", @"martshow/store" ]; } ...
Register viewController's class to ExtRouter
// AppDelegate.m ... - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { //othercode [[ExtRouter shared] registViewControllerClass:[ViewController class]]; [[ExtRouter shared] registViewControllerClass:[StoreViewController class]]; [[ExtRouter shared] registViewControllerClass:[LoginViewController class]]; //othercode return YES; } ...
Route to destination
[[ExtRouter shared] routeTo:@"store"];
Advanced Usage
You can found it in Wiki
ExtRouter is released under the MIT license