
Simple wrapper around URLSession

pod try FlatNetworkClient



CocoaPods Compatible Platform support License MIT Github Releases

The FlatNetworkClient provides an easy to use, testable wrapper around URLSession

Getting started

The FlatNetworkClient is designed to force good modular code design by creating a clear separation of concerns between the different components that make up network calls.

  • Separate Endoint definition for each of the HTTP Verbs
  • Central JSON initialization poin for each network model
  • Extensible network interface to allow for Facade pattern wrappers



You can install FlatNetworkClient via CocoaPods by adding it to your Podfile:


source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'

pod 'FlatNetworkClient'

And run pod install.

Step 1

After installing the pod, the first step is to create a model object for your network call. This model must conform to the JsonCreatable protocol. This protocol provides you with a method that supplies JSON from the network call to allow for custom mapping if needed.

struct Person : JsonCreatable {
    let id: String
    let name: String
    static func create(_ json: [String: AnyObject]?) -> Person? {
        guard let json = json, let id = json["id"] as? String, let name = json["name"] as? String else {
            return nil
        return Person(id: id, name: name)

Step 2

Create an endpoints enum for one or all of the HTTP Verbs. The enum should implement the EndPointCreator protocol

This protocol provides optional properties for:

  • URLString
  • requestBody
  • headerFields

Example implementations for each of the HTTP Verbs


enum PersonGetEndpoint: EndpointCreator {
    case getName(id: String)
    case getPerson(id: String)
    var HTTPMethod: String {
        return HTTPVerb.get.rawValue
    var URLString: String {
        switch self {
        case .getName(id: let id):
            return "www.somebaseurl.com/getName?=\(id)"
        case .getPerson(id: let id):
            return "www.somebaseurl.com/getPerson?=\(id)"
    var requestBody: Data? {
        return nil
    var headerFields: [String : String]? {
        return [
            "X-API-KEY-TOKEN": "SOME-API-TOKEN",
            "X-AUTH-TOKEN": "SOME-AUTH-TOKEN",


enum PersonPostEndpoint: EndpointCreator {
    case updateName(id: String, name: String)
    var HTTPMethod: String {
        return HTTPVerb.post.rawValue
    var URLString: String {
        switch self {
        case .updateName(id: let id, name: let name):
            return "www.somebaseurl.com/updateName?=\(id)-\(name)"
    var requestBody: Data? {
        return nil
    var headerFields: [String : String]? {
        return [
            "X-API-KEY-TOKEN": "SOME-API-TOKEN",
            "X-AUTH-TOKEN": "SOME-AUTH-TOKEN",


enum PersonPutEndpoint: EndpointCreator {
    case createPerson(id: String, name: String)
    var HTTPMethod: String {
        return HTTPVerb.put.rawValue
    var URLString: String {
        switch self {
        case .createPerson(id: let id, name: let name):
            return "www.somebaseurl.com/createPerson?=\(id)-\(name)"
    var requestBody: Data? {
        return nil
    var headerFields: [String : String]? {
        return [
            "X-API-KEY-TOKEN": "SOME-API-TOKEN",
            "X-AUTH-TOKEN": "SOME-AUTH-TOKEN",


enum PersonDeleteEndpoint: EndpointCreator {
    case deletePerson(id: String)
    var HTTPMethod: String {
        return HTTPVerb.put.rawValue
    var URLString: String {
        switch self {
        case .deletePerson(id: let id):
            return "www.somebaseurl.com/deletePerson?=\(id)"
    var requestBody: Data? {
        return nil
    var headerFields: [String : String]? {
        return [
            "X-API-KEY-TOKEN": "SOME-API-TOKEN",
            "X-AUTH-TOKEN": "SOME-AUTH-TOKEN",

Step 3

Subclass NetworkClient

class PersonNetworkClient: NetworkClient {}

Step 4

Implement methods for the required API Calls.

eg. GET

// GET
extension PersonNetworkClient {
    func getPerson(by id: String, completion: @escaping (Person?) -> Void) {
        get(PersonGetEndpoint.getPerson(id: id), type: Person.self) { person, _ in


There's still a lot of work to do here! We would love to see you involved!

Get in touch

If you have any questions, you can find the core team on twitter: