
Lib with BaseManagedObjectModel that allow parse json and database

pod try HPManagedObjects



CI Status Version License Platform

Swift 3.0/Obj-C supported

Under the hood

Simple Obj-c iOS JSON library. Help you make your classes support serializing/deserializing.

Known Swift limitations:

  • Swift Enums not working now.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Import HPManagedObjects in to your file

@interface BaseOtherJsonClassObject : BaseManagedObjectModel
@property(nonatomic,strong,nullable)NSString* baseIdentifier;
@property(nonatomic,assign)int objectType;//0 - OtherJsonClassObject, 1 - SecondOtherJsonClassObject, 2 - ThirdOtherJsonClassObject
@implementation BaseOtherJsonClassObject
+(Mapping *)mapping
	Mapping* mapping = [super mapping];
	MappingDescriptor* descriptor = [MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"baseIdentifier" jsonName:@"base_id"];
	[mapping.mapings addObject:descriptor];
	descriptor = [MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"objectType" jsonName:@"type"];
	[mapping.mapings addObject:descriptor];
	return mapping;

@interface OtherJsonClassObject : BaseOtherJsonClassObject
@property(nonatomic,strong,nullable)NSString* anySomeProperty;
@implementation OtherJsonClassObject
+(Mapping *)mapping
	Mapping* mapping = [super mapping];
	[mapping.mapings addObject:[MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"anySomeProperty"]];
	return mapping;

@interface SecondOtherJsonClassObject : BaseOtherJsonClassObject
@property(nonatomic,assign)int secondProperty;
@implementation SecondOtherJsonClassObject
+(Mapping *)mapping
	Mapping* mapping = [super mapping];
	[mapping.mapings addObject:[MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"secondProperty"]];
	return mapping;

@interface ThirdOtherJsonClassObject : BaseOtherJsonClassObject
@property(nonatomic,strong)id anyValue;
@implementation ThirdOtherJsonClassObject
+(Mapping *)mapping
	Mapping* mapping = [super mapping];
	[mapping.mapings addObject:[MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"anyValue"]];
	return mapping;
@interface SimpleJSONObject: BaseManagedObjectModel{
@property(nonatomic,strong,nullable)NSString* textValue;
@property(nonatomic,assign)long objectId;
@property(nonatomic,strong,nullable)NSArray<NSString*>* stringValues;
@property(nonatomic,strong,nullable)NSDictionary<NSString*,id>* anyValues;
@property(nonatomic,strong,nullable)OtherJsonClassObject* otherObject;
@property(nonatomic,strong,nullable)NSArray<BaseOtherJsonClassObject*>* otherObjectsArray;
@property(nonatomic,strong,nullable)NSArray<BaseOtherJsonClassObject*>* otherObjectsWitBlockSelectorArray;

@property(nonatomic,strong,nullable)NSDate* creationDate;
@property(nonatomic,assign)CGPoint point;

@implementation SimpleJSONObject
+(Mapping *)mapping
	Mapping* mapping = [super mapping];
	[mapping.mapings addObject:[MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"textValue" jsonName:@"text"]];
	//JSON name same as text field name
	[mapping.mapings addObject:[MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"objectId"]];
	//No need specified array of items, it recognizes array and dictionary
	[mapping.mapings addObject:[MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"stringValues" jsonName:@"vals"]];
	//No need specified array of items, it recognizes array and dictionary
	[mapping.mapings addObject:[MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"anyValues" jsonName:@"vals_map"]];
	//Serialize/deserialize date field in UTC zone
	[mapping.mapings addObject:[MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"creationDate" jsonName:@"create_date" columnName:nil format:@"<your_date_fromat>"]];
	//Serialize OtherJsonClassObject to dictionary, deserialize dictionary to OtherJsonClassObject
	[mapping.mapings addObject:[MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"otherObject" jsonName:@"subclass" className:@"OtherJsonClassObject"]];
	//User custom serializer/deserializer for property
	[mapping.mapings addObject:[MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"point" jsonName:@"point" className:nil columnName:nil asString:FALSE convert:^id(NSString* value) {
		//Convert JSON value to needed class
		NSArray* arr =  [value componentsSeparatedByString:@":"];
		CGPoint point = CGPointZero;
		if(arr.count == 2)
			point.x = [[arr firstObject] floatValue];
			point.y = [[arr lastObject] floatValue];
		return [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointZero];
	} convertBack:^id(NSValue* value) {
		CGPoint point = [value CGPointValue];
		return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f:%f",point.x,point.y];
	NSArray<TypeSelector*>* typeSelectors = @[
											  //if object in array containt field "anyValue" object will be deserialize to 'OtherJsonClassObject'
											  [TypeSelector selectorBy:@"anyValue" className:@"ThirdOtherJsonClassObject"],
											  //If object in array contain field 'type' and it is equal to '1' then object will be deserialize to 'SecondOtherJsonClassObject'
											  [TypeSelector selectorBy:@"type" value:@(1) className:@"SecondOtherJsonClassObject"],
											  //Make custom check for json property value, if block return YES - use OtherJsonClassObject as object type
											  [TypeSelector selectorBy:@"type" byValueBlock:^BOOL(id value) {
												  NSNumber* numb = value;
												  if([numb intValue] == 0)
													  return YES;
												  return NO;
											  } className:@"OtherJsonClassObject"],
											  //If any type selector does not match -  use 'self' if you want use class as default
											  [TypeSelector selectorBy:@"self" className:@"BaseOtherJsonClassObject"],
	MappingDescriptor* descriptor = [MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"otherObjectsArray"
	[mapping.mapings addObject:descriptor];
	//Recognize object type with custom logic. In block -  'rootDictionary'(my be nil) - object that containt 'value' object
	//'value' object -  json object that should be deserialize.
	descriptor = [MappingDescriptor descriptorBy:@"otherObjectsWitBlockSelectorArray"
										jsonName:@"objc_array_v2" columnName:nil classNameBlock:^NSString *(id rootDictionary, id value) {
											if([value isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
												int type =  [[(NSDictionary*)value valueForKey:@"type"] intValue];
												if(type == 0)
													return @"OtherJsonClassObject";
												else if(type == 1)
													return @"SecondOtherJsonClassObject";
												else if(type == 2)
													return @"ThirdOtherJsonClassObject";
											return @"BaseOtherJsonClassObject";
	[mapping.mapings addObject:descriptor];
	return mapping;


SimpleJSONObject* obj = [[SimpleJSONObject alloc] init];
//Update object with JSON dictionary (in obj-c you can pass NSString, it will serialize to JSON inside)
[obj updateWithDictionary:dictionary];

//Serialize object to JSON Dictionary
[obj toDictionary];

FMDB Support

If you using FMDB SQLite as your data storage - its easy to use HPManagedObjects for this.

//Setup table name
mapping.tableName = @"your_table_name";
//If you have primary key -  setup it
mapping.idPropertyName = @"dabaseId";
mapping.idName = @"_id";//Primary column name in table

//For peroperty description that should saved in Database set column name
descriptor.columnName = @"type";

You can use 'DatabaseHelper' class for make you life easy with using fmdb update/insert/select logic for HPBaseManagedObjects.

For prase FMResultSet to Object use:

SimpleJSONObject* obj = [[SimpleJSONObject alloc] init];
[obj updateFromDbSet:fmresult];



HPManagedObjects is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "HPManagedObjects/Main"
#if you using FMDB - 
pod "HPManagedObjects"


DimasSup, dima.teleban@gmail.com


HPManagedObjects is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.