
A framework designed to deal with some common iOS needs.

pod try MochaUtilities



Version License Platform

MochaUtilities is library written in Swift intended to help iOS developers during coding.

This README is still in progress and therefore does not fully documents all classes and methods available.


MochaUtilities is designed to help iOS developers in as many common needs as possible. During the construction of an iOS project, developers often need the same boilerplate code. This library aims to reduce such code. It does not use any other library from CocoaPods as dependency, since its purpose is to help with more general coding problems.

Please note that to use any functionality of MochaUtilities, a import MochaUtilities must be included at the file's header.

Most (if not all) public methods from the Util classes are static. In case it isn't, it will be explicitly described so here.

MochaUtilities is divided in subpods which are listed bellow:


The Basic subpod contains, as the name implies, the most basic classes and extensions that not only help the users as well as those building the library. This specific pod can but should not be used on its own since it does not provide much to users.


The MochaException enum type is used internally in the MochaUtilities to be more concise in what issue might have occurred. It is associated to the Swift's Error type, so it can be thrown as an error.

MochaException has the following possible values:

  • ioException: Used whenever the HttpHelper has encountered a problem, except for the error specified in the appSecurityTransportException described bellow.
  • fileNotFoundException: Used whenever the given file reference or path was not found inside the application's bundle or documents. Mainly used in the BundleUtil and DocumentsUtil classes.
  • appSecurityTransportException: Used whenever HttpHelper requests data but access to the given URL is not permitted through the project's App Security Transport value in Info.plist.
  • notImplemented: Used whenever a prior method or class inheritance is required but was not implemented.
  • domainException: Used whenever any value or convertion inside MochaUtilities is invalid. This specific value might be removed for version 1.0.
  • genericException: Used whenever an unespecified error occurs.


An extension for the String class that will be used throughout the MochaUtilities implementations. It consists of the get-only properties length and isNotEmpty, and the method equalsIgnoreCase(_:).

The length property returns, as expected, the length of the String. It might be removed when this Pod supports Swift 4. The isNotEmpty simply return if the String is not empty. Though this information can accessed through !someString.isEmpty, it helps for a more readable code.

let lenth = "my_length".length
//length = 9


"Non Empty String".isNotEmpty

The equalsIgnoreCase(_:) method compares the String itself to another given String without taking cases into consideration. This method can also compare non-English words.

let someText = "lorem ipsum"
let otherText = "Lorem Ipsum"
//prints true since both Strings are essentially the same except one is capitalized

let heart = "coração"
let hearts = "corações"
//prints false since both Strings varies at the end


The default logging class used by MochaUtilities. It uses the Singleton pattern. Its public methods are changeTag(to:), removeTag() and log(_:). The default tag used is Mocha.

Whenever a message is logged through MochaLogger, it adds a prefix [<given_tag>], if and only if the removeTag() was not called. Therefore, by default if it logs message, the console will print [Mocha] message.

MochaLogger.log("This is a test.")
//prints [Mocha] This is a test.

MochaLogger.changeTag(to: "New Tag")
MochaLogger.log("Trying out a new tag.")
//prints [New Tag] Trying out a new tag.

MochaLogger.log("Works just like print.")
//prints Works just like print.


The Brazil subpod provides specific functionalities for Brazilian developers.


This class is responsible for applying or removing CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Física) mask from String. It can also check whether a given String? is a valid CPF.

For masking and unmasking a String?, use mask(_:) and unmask(_:) respectively. If the given value cannot be masked or unmasked, these methods will return an empty String instead.

There is also a method for checking if a given String? has the mask applied to it or not.

let masked = CpfUtil.mask("12345678900")
//masked equals 123.456.879-00

let unmasked = CpfUtil.unmask("123.456.789-00")
//unmasked equals 12345678900

The isValid(_:) method, as it suggests, checks whether a given String? is a valid CPF. If the given String? is nil, empty or cannot be converted to numeric value, it returns false.

let maskedCheck = CpfUtil.isValid("000.000.000-00")
//maskedCheck is true

let unmaskedCheck = CpfUtil.isValid("00000000000")
//unmaskedCheck is also true


The Core subpod provides access to the most used features during iOS programming.













The NumberUtil class helps to work with numeric values in String? (optional String) format. It can convert to specific number types.

For conversion, the methods available are toInteger(_:, with:), toFloat(_:, with:) and toDouble(_:, with:) and toNumber(_:, with:). In case the given String? is nil or cannot be converted to the wanted number type, a default value will be returned instead. If the default value is not passed, it will be zero by default.

The example bellow show how the toInteger(_:, with:) method works. The other methods described above work similarly to their types.

let integerString = "123"
let integer = NumberUtil.toInteger(integerString)
//integer is an Int with value 123

let nonIntegerString = "4a5"
let defaultValue = NumberUtil.toInteger(nonIntegerString)
//since no extra argument was given and nonIntegerString cannot be converted to an integer,
//defaultValue will be 0 (zero)

let anotherDefaultValue = NumberUtil.toInteger(nonIntegerString, with: -1)
//since nonIntegerString cannot be converted to an integer,
//anotherDefaultValue will be -1






The Images subpod helps with a few image related problems.





The Network subpod contains classes aimed to help with Internet related processes, such as HTTP requests.



HttpHelper assists with handling HTTP/HTTPS requests and responses. It is constructed under the Builder pattern. The Builder is an inner class of the HttpHelper class. The following code demonstrates how to make a simple GET request.

let handler = { (data: Data?, error: Error?) in
//handle response information

//directly get the reference to HttpHelper
let httpHelper = HttpHelper.builder.url("").completionHandler(handler).build()

The following should be taken into consideration before usage:

  • The Builder methods url(_: String) and completionHandler(_: @escaping HttpCompletionHandler) are mandatory for all requests. If not set, the request will fail or will not return the received response.
  • The type HttpCompletionHandler is defined as the closure (_ data: Data?, _ error: Error?) -> Void.
  • The request's contentType defaults to application/json.
  • The request's timeout defaults to 60 seconds.
  • The request's encoding defaults to UTF-8.
  • Other possible configurations are parameters(_:), header(_:), basicAuth(username:, password:), certificate(_:, with:), trustAll(_:) and hostDomain(_:).

To set the Basic Authentication header into your HTTP request, use the basicAuth(username: String, password: String) method as follows:

let httpHelper = HttpHelper.builder.url(someUrl).completionHandler(someHandler)
  .basicAuth(username: "request_basic_auth_usr", password: "request_basic_auth_pwd").build()

If necessary, retain the reference to the HttpHelper.Builder class before using the build() method. It might become necessary to configure the request according to some parameters. For example:

func doHttpRequest(needsBasicAuth: Bool, addDefaultHeader: Bool) {
  let handler = { (data: Data?, error: Error?) in
    //handle response information
  //directly get the reference to HttpHelper
  let builder = HttpHelper.builder.url("").completionHandler(handler)
  if needsBasicAuth {
    builder.basicAuth(username: "request_basic_auth_usr", password: "request_basic_auth_pwd")
  if addDefaultHeader {
    builder.header(["default_header_key": "default_header_value"])
  let httpHelper =

More examples will be included as the documentation grows.


The protocol used to communicate the caller class and EmailUtil. Its methods are onEmailSuccess(), onEmailCancelled() and onEmailFailed(), all of which are of mandatory implementation.


To open the default browser of the device, use the openUrl(_: String?). If the given String is nil or is not valid, no action is taken.

@IBAction func onClickOpenBrowser(sender: Any?) {
  let url = "http..."



  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 8.1+
  • Swift 3.0+


MochaUtilities is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "MochaUtilities"

In case only one specific module is needed, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "MochaUtilities/<NAME_OF_MODULE>"

For more information about the available modules, check the Features section.


If you have suggestions, improvements or issues to submit (whether about the code or this README), feel free to contact me or send a pull request.

This library follows the Swift Style Guide. Before submitting any code, verify if it also follows this guideline. In case you find any code already submitted that does not follow the guideline, also feel free to contact me or send a pull request.

Only commits in English are accepted.


Gregory Sholl e Santos


MochaUtilities is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.