
A SDK that allows developers to embed Morphii technology into their native apps.

pod try MorphiiSDK


Morphii SDK

Morphii SDK

What It Is

The Morphii SDK provides developers with the ability to add a morphii technology to iOS native apps. Morphii allows the user to manipulate the type and intensity of the emotion. There are several different morphiis to allow for a full range of possible emotions. The developer also has the option to include a comment section along with the morphii. The developer then can gather pertinent information from the user's interaction with the morphiis to use for analytical purposes. For more information see the Morphii Site.

How to Use It


  • Xcode 8.+
  • Minimum deployment target of 10.2

Project Setup

  1. Create a new project in Xcode.
  2. Open terminal
  3. Navigate to your project's directory
  4. If you are not already using cocoapods, run pod init
  5. Add the following to your podfile
pod 'MorphiiSDK', :git => '', :tag => '0.0.67'
  1. Run pod install
  2. Add import MorphiiSDK wherever you would like to utilize the SDK


The following are imports needed to use the Morphii SDK.

// Swift
import MorphiiSDK
// Objective-C
#import <MorphiiSDK/MorphiiSDK.h>


The MorphiiService class is the main class the developer will work with. This class holds methods for authentication, adding a MorphiiView, and submitting data to receive the Result Records, which contains the data of user inputs. All MorphiiService methods will be called from a sharedInstance object. Example:


public func authenticate (username:String, password:String, accountId:String, completion:@escaping (_ results:MorphiiSDK.AuthenticationResults)->Void)

This method authenticates the developer's account with the morphii servers. It requires a username, password, account ID. The completion returns an AuthenticationResults object. The authenticate method must successfully authenticate the user before any other SDK method is used. It is recommended to run a check to ensure the authentication results did not return an error object and isAuthenticated is true. If there is an error the error object contains a code and message to give insight to the developer as to what went wrong. If there is no error and the authentication was successful then it is recommended to add any MorphiiViews inside this callback.

// Swift
override func viewDidLoad() {
  // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

  let service = MorphiiService.sharedInstance()
  service.authenticate(username: "user_name", password: "password", accountId: "account-id") { (result) in
    if result.isAuthenticated {
      // Authentication successful.
      // Add morphii views.
    else {
      print("Authentication failed")
      print("error code: \(result.error?.code)")
      print("error message: \(result.error?.message)")
// Objective-C
- (void)viewDidLoad {
  [super viewDidLoad];

  MorphiiService *service = [MorphiiService sharedInstance];
  [service authenticateWithUsername:@"user_name" password:@"password" accountId:@"account-id" completion:^(AuthenticationResults * _Nonnull results) {
    if (results.isAuthenticated) {
      // Authentication successful.
      // Add morphii views.
    else {
      // There was an error.
      NSLog(@"Error authenticating");
      NSLog(@"error code: %@", results.error.code);
      NSLog(@"error message: %@", results.error.message);


public func add(containerView:UIView, config:BasicViewConfiguration, delegate:BasicViewDelegate?) -> BasicView

This method adds a BasicView to the specified container layout. The method requires one parameter: a basicViewConfiguration. To create an instance of BasicViewConfiguration you will need to create a number of supporting classes to pass into the configuration as parameters. Check the Supporting Classes section for more information. The add method will return a BasicView if successful and null if there was an error.

// Swift
func createBasicView(containerView: UIView) -> BasicView {

  // Create Project
  let project = Project(id: "my-project-id", description: "My Project Description")

  // Create Target
  let metadata: NSDictionary? = ["value-1" : "key1", "value-2" : "key2"]
  let target = Target(id: "my-target-id", type: "question", metadata: metadata)

  // Options configuration
  let options = Options(stage: "live", initialIntensity: 0.5)

  // Comment configuration
  let comment = Comment(show: false, required: false, maxLength: 100, label: "Comment", hintText: "Enter comment")

  // Create User
  let properties: NSDictionary? = ["" : "email", "value-2" : "key2", "value-3" : "key3"]
  let user = User(id: "user-id", type: "external", properties: properties)

  // Morphii configuration.
  let morphiiConfig = MorphiiConfiguration(showName: true)
  morphiiConfig.add(id: "6202184382145363968", name: nil, weight: 1)

  // Create the BasicViewConfiguration and add to the service.
  let config = BasicViewConfiguration(morphiiConfig: morphiiConfig, target: target, project: project, comment: comment, options: options, user: user)

  let service = MorphiiService.sharedInstance()
  let basicView = service.add(containerView: containerView, config: config, delegate: self)
  return basicView
// Objective-C
-(BasicView*)createBasicView: (UIView *)container {

  // Project information
  Project *project = [[Project alloc] initWithId:@"my-project-id" description:@"My project description"];

  // Target info
  NSDictionary *metadata = @{@"value-1":@"key1", @"value-2":@"key2"};
  Target *target = [[Target alloc] initWithId:@"my-target-id" type:@"question" metadata:metadata];

  // Options info
  Options *options = [[Options alloc] initWithStage:@"live" initialIntensity:0.5];

  // Comment info
  Comment *comment = [[Comment alloc] initWithShow:NO required:NO maxLength:100 label:@"Comment" hintText:@"Enter comment"];

  // User data
  NSDictionary *properties = @{@"":@"email", @"value-2":@"key2", @"value-3":@"key3"};
  User *user = [[User alloc] initWithId:@"user-id" type:@"external" properties:properties];

  // Morphii information
  MorphiiConfiguration *morphiiConfig = [[MorphiiConfiguration alloc] initWithShowName:YES];
  [morphiiConfig addWithId:@"6202184382145363968" name:nil weight:1];

  BasicViewConfiguration *config = [[BasicViewConfiguration alloc] initWithMorphiiConfig:morphiiConfig target:target project:project comment:comment options:options user:user];

  MorphiiService *service = [MorphiiService sharedInstance];    
  BasicView *basicView = [service addWithContainerView:container config:config delegate:nil];
  [container addSubview:basicView];
  return basicView;


public func addSelectionView (initialIntensity:Double, config:MorphiiConfiguration, delegate:MorphiiSelectionViewDelegate) -> MorphiiSelectionView?

This method returns a MorphiiSelectionView object that can be added to your container layout just like a SingleMorphiiView. This method requires three parameters: initialIntensity, MorphiiConfiguration, and MorphiiSelectionViewDelegate. The MorphiiConfiguration is an instance of the MorphiiConfiguration object that configures how the morphii will be displayed. The initialIntensity is a Double that determines the starting intensity for the rendered morphiis. The MorphiiSelectionViewDelegate returns the MorphiiConfiguration of the selected morphii that can be used to create a new BasicViewConfiguration that can be used to add a new BasicView to allow the user to manipulate and utilize the selected morphii.

// Swift
func createSelectionView() -> MorphiiSelectionView? {
  let service = MorphiiService.sharedInstance()

  let morphiiConfig = MorphiiConfiguration(showName: true)
  morphiiConfig.add(id: "6202185104333209600", name: nil, weight: 1)
  morphiiConfig.add(id: "6202185110939238400", name: nil, weight: 2)
  return service.addSelectionView(initialIntensity: 1.0, config: morphiiConfig, delegate: self)
// Objective-C
-(MorphiiSelectionView*)createSelectionView {
  MorphiiService *service = [MorphiiService sharedInstance];   

  MorphiiConfiguration *morphiiConfig = [[MorphiiConfiguration alloc] initWithShowName:YES];
  [morphiiConfig addWithId:@"6202185104333209600" name:nil weight:1];
  [morphiiConfig addWithId:@"6202185110939238400" name:nil weight:2];

  MorphiiSelectionView *morphiiSelectionView = [service addSelectionViewWithInitialIntensity:1.0 config:config delegate:nil];
  return morphiiSelectionView;


public func submit (completion:@escaping ([ReactionResultRecord]) -> Void)

This method submits data from all BasicViews currently in the app, if they have not been submitted already. The completion will pass back an [ReactionResultRecord]. This Array contains a ReactionResultRecord for each BasicView that was submitted with the method.

func submit () {
  MorphiiService.sharedInstance().submit { (records) in
    for record in records {
      print("Results Record");
      print("targetId: \(record.targetId)")
      print("viewId: \(record.viewId)")

      if !record.isSubmitted {
        // There was an error.
        print("error code: \(record.error?.code)")
        print("error message: \(record.error?.message)")
      else {
        print("reactionId: \(record.reactionId)")

        if record.morphii != nil {
          print("morphii-id: \(record.morphii?.id)")
          print("morphii-name: \(record.morphii?.name)")
          print("morphii-displayName: \(record.morphii?.displayName)")
          print("morphii-intensity:  \(record.morphii?.intensity)")
          print("morphii-weight:  \(record.morphii?.weight)")
        else {
          print("No morphii details provided.")

        if record.comment != nil {
          print("comment-text: \(record.comment?.text)")
          print("comment-locale: \(record.comment?.locale)")
        else {
          print("No comment field")

// Objective-C
- (void)submit {
  [[MorphiiService sharedInstance] submitWithCompletion:^(NSArray<ReactionResultRecord *> * _Nonnull records) {
    for (ReactionResultRecord *record in records) {
      NSLog(@"Results Record");
      NSLog(@"targetId: %@",record.targetId);
      NSLog(@"viewId: %@",record.viewId);

      if (!record.isSubmitted) {
        // There was an error.
        NSLog(@"error code: %@",record.error.code);
        NSLog(@"error message: %@",record.error.message);
      else {
        NSLog(@"reactionId: %@", record.reactionId);

        if (record.morphii != nil) {
          NSLog(@"morphii-id: %@",;
          NSLog(@"morphii-name: %@",;
          NSLog(@"morphii-displayName: %@", record.morphii.displayName);
          NSLog(@"morphii-intensity:  %f", record.morphii.intensity);
          NSLog(@"morphii-weight:  %ld", record.morphii.weight);
        else {
          NSLog(@"No morphii details provided.");

        if (record.comment != nil) {
          NSLog(@"comment-text: %@", record.comment.text);
          NSLog(@"comment-locale: %@", record.comment.locale);
        else {
          NSLog(@"No comment field");



public func reset (comment:Bool)

This method resets all of the BasicViews to their default configuration. The method has one parameter: comment. This parameter is a boolean that if true will reset the comment field to its default value and if false will retain the user made changes.

// Swift
func reset() {
  MorphiiService.sharedInstance().reset(comment: true)
// Objective-C
- (void)reset {
  [[MorphiiService sharedInstance] resetWithComment:YES];


These methods are similar to those found within the MorphiiService class but generally change in regards to the scope of what is affected when called.


public func submit ( completion:@escaping (_ results:[ReactionResultRecord])->Void)

This method takes the data from the specific BasicView and submits it. It will return an [ReactionResultRecord]. The Array will have one ReactionResultRecord since only one BasicView was submitted.

// Swift
func submit() {
  basicView?.submit { (records) in
    for record in records {
      print("Results Record");
      print("targetId: \(record.targetId)")
      print("viewId: \(record.viewId)")

      if !record.isSubmitted {
        // There was an error.
        print("error code: \(record.error?.code)")
        print("error message: \(record.error?.message)")
      else {
        print("reactionId: \(record.reactionId)")

        if record.morphii != nil {
          print("morphii-id: \(record.morphii?.id)")
          print("morphii-name: \(record.morphii?.name)")
          print("morphii-displayName: \(record.morphii?.displayName)")
          print("morphii-intensity:  \(record.morphii?.intensity)")
          print("morphii-weight:  \(record.morphii?.weight)")
        else {
          print("No morphii details provided.")

        if record.comment != nil {
          print("comment-text: \(record.comment?.text)")
          print("comment-locale: \(record.comment?.locale)")
        else {
          print("No comment field")

// Objective-C
- (void)submit {
  [_basicView submitWithCompletion:^(NSArray<ReactionResultRecord *> * _Nonnull records) {
    for (ReactionResultRecord *record in records) {
      NSLog(@"Results Record");
      NSLog(@"targetId: %@",record.targetId);
      NSLog(@"viewId: %@",record.viewId);

      if (!record.isSubmitted) {
        // There was an error.
        NSLog(@"error code: %@",record.error.code);
        NSLog(@"error message: %@",record.error.message);
      else {
        NSLog(@"reactionId: %@", record.reactionId);

        if (record.morphii != nil) {
          NSLog(@"morphii-id: %@",;
          NSLog(@"morphii-name: %@",;
          NSLog(@"morphii-displayName: %@", record.morphii.displayName);
          NSLog(@"morphii-intensity:  %f", record.morphii.intensity);
          NSLog(@"morphii-weight:  %ld", record.morphii.weight);
        else {
          NSLog(@"No morphii details provided.");

        if (record.comment != nil) {
          NSLog(@"comment-text: %@", record.comment.text);
          NSLog(@"comment-locale: %@", record.comment.locale);
        else {
          NSLog(@"No comment field");



public func png (size:CGSize) -> UIImage?

This method returns a UIImage of the morphii in a specified BasicView. The view must be submitted before this method will return the image.

// Swift
func getPng() {
  imageView.image = basicView?.png(size: CGSize(width: 60, height: 60))
// Objective-C
- (void)getPng {
  UIImage *image = [_basicView pngWithSize:CGSizeMake(60, 60)];    
  [_imageView setImage: image];


public func reset (comment:Bool)

This method will reset the BasicView back to its default values. The method requires one parameter: comment. This parameter is a boolean that when marked true will reset the comment field to its default value and if false will retain the user made changes.

// Swift
func reset() {
  basicView?.reset(comment: true)
// Objective-C
- (void)reset {
  [_basicView resetWithComment:YES];


The MorphiiSelectionView is a view that contains a list of morphiis. This object is returned by AddSelectionView

Supporting Classes

These are the supporting classes as parameters in MorphiiService, MorphiiSelectionView, and BasicView methods.


This class is used to group different project data. It requires two parameters: id and description. The id is a String that is used to label the project. The description is a String that briefly describes the project. This object is used to construct the BasicViewConfiguration.

// Swift
// Project information
let project = Project(id: "my-project-id", description: "My Project Description")
// Objective-C
// Project information
Project *project = [[Project alloc] initWithId:@"my-project-id" description:@"My project description"];


The Target class is utilized to describe what the morphii will be in reference to. The class requires three parameters: id, type, and metadata. The id is a String that serves as a label for the referenced object. The type is a String that describes what the Target is. The type should be a value like: question, image, video, article, etc. The metadata object is a dictionary of additional information the developer would like to maintain a record of; this parameter can be nil. This object is used to construct the BasicViewConfiguration.

// Swift
// Target information
let metadata: NSDictionary? = ["value-1" : "key1", "value-2" : "key2", "value-3" : "key3"]
let target = Target(id: "test-target-id-1", type: "question", metadata: metadata)
// Objective-C
// Target info
NSDictionary *metadata = @{@"value-1":@"key1", @"value-2":@"key2"};
Target *target = [[Target alloc] initWithId:@"my-target-id" type:@"question" metadata:metadata];


This class is used to define the user that is interacting with the morphii. It uses three parameters: id, type, and properties. The id is a String that serves as the id for the user. The type is a String that defines the type of user. Choices for the type include: external, facebook, twitter, or google. The properties parameter is a dictionary that the developer may use to collect any additional information they desire; this parameter may be nil. This object is used to construct the BasicViewConfiguration.

// Swift
// User information
let properties: NSDictionary? = ["" : "email", "value-2" : "key2", "value-3" : "key3"]
let user = User(id: "user-id", type: "external", properties: properties)
// Objective-C
// User information
NSDictionary *properties = @{@"":@"email", @"value-2":@"key2", @"value-3":@"key3"};
User *user = [[User alloc] initWithId:@"user-id" type:@"external" properties:properties];


This class is used to configure the comment section of a BasicView. The class requires five parameters: show, required, maxLength, label, and hintText. The show parameter is a boolean that determines whether the comment section will be visible or not. The required parameter is a boolean that determines whether the user is required to fill in a comment in order to submit the BasicView. The maxLength parameter is an int that determines the maximum amount of characters allowed in a comment; if set to 0 an unlimited amount of characters are allowed. The label parameter is a String that appears above the comment field. The hintText is a String that will display within the comment field. This object is used to construct the BasicViewConfiguration.

// Swift
// Comment configuration
let comment = Comment(show: false, required: false, maxLength: 100, label: "Post", hintText: "Post Here")
// Objective-C
// Comment info
Comment *comment = [[Comment alloc] initWithShow:NO required:NO maxLength:100 label:@"Comment" hintText:@"Enter comment"];


This class is used to define additional configuration. It requires two parameters: stage and initialIntensity. The stage parameter is a String that has three options: test, validation, and live. The test option will have no data processed by the data analytics pipeline. The validation option will send data to be processed by the analytics pipeline but will not show up in any report data. The live option will have data be processed through all stages of the data analytics pipeline and report data. The initialIntensity parameter is a double that determines the starting intensity of the morphii. This value is required to be between 0 and 1. This object is used to construct the BasicViewConfiguration.

// Swift
// Options configuration
let options = Options(stage: "live", initialIntensity: 0.5)
// Objective-C
// Options configuration
Options *options = [[Options alloc] initWithStage:@"live" initialIntensity:0.5];


This class is used to define the default configuration of the morphii. The MorphiiConfiguration object takes one parameter: showName. This parameter is a boolean that when true, will display the name below the morphii. When false the name will not be shown. After creating a MorphiiConfiguration object it is necessary to call its add method in order to add information to the configuration. The method requires three parameters: id, name, weight. The id is a String that determines which morphii will be added. The name is a developer defined label for the morphii. This parameter can be defined as null. If null the default morphii name will be used. The weight parameter is an int that is used to assign a weight to the morphii. This object is used to construct the BasicViewConfiguration and add a MorphiiSelectionView.

  • public func add(id: String, name: String?, weight: Int = 0) : This method adds a specific morphii to the MorphiiConfiguration.
// Swift
// Morphii configuration.
let morphiiConfig = MorphiiConfiguration(showName: true)
morphiiConfig.add(id: "6202185104333209600", name: nil, weight: 1)
// Objective-C
MorphiiConfiguration *morphiiConfig = [[MorphiiConfiguration alloc] initWithShowName:YES];
[morphiiConfig addWithId:@"6202185104333209600" name:nil weight:1];


This class defines the BasicView configuration. It is used to create a new BasicView. The object requires six parameters: morphiiConfiguration, target, project, comment, options, user. Reference above for aid in creating these objects.

// Swift
// Project information
let project = Project(id: "my-project-id", description: "My Project Description")

// Target information
let metadata: NSDictionary? = ["value-1" : "key1", "value-2" : "key2"]
let target = Target(id: "test-target-id-1", type: "question", metadata: metadata)

// Options configuration
let options = Options(stage: "test", initialIntensity: 0.5)

// Comment configuration
let comment = Comment(show: true, required: true, maxLength: 100, label: "Post", hintText: "Post Here")

// User information
let properties: NSDictionary? = ["" : "email", "value-2" : "key2", "value-3" : "key3"]
let user = User(id: "user-id", type: "external", properties: properties)

// Morphii configuration.
let morphiiConfig = MorphiiConfiguration(showName: true)
morphiiConfig.add(id: "6202185104333209600", name: nil, weight: 1)

let config = BasicViewConfiguration(morphiiConfig: morphiiConfig, target: target, project: project, comment: comment, options: options, user: user)
// Objective-C
// Project information
Project *project = [[Project alloc] initWithId:@"my-project-id" description:@"My project description"];

// Target info
NSDictionary *metadata = @{@"value-1":@"key1", @"value-2":@"key2"};
Target *target = [[Target alloc] initWithId:@"my-target-id" type:@"question" metadata:metadata];

// Options info
Options *options = [[Options alloc] initWithStage:@"live" initialIntensity:0.5];

// Comment info
Comment *comment = [[Comment alloc] initWithShow:NO required:NO maxLength:100 label:@"Comment" hintText:@"Enter comment"];

// User data
NSDictionary *properties = @{@"":@"email", @"value-2":@"key2", @"value-3":@"key3"};
User *user = [[User alloc] initWithId:@"user-id" type:@"external" properties:properties];

// Morphii information
MorphiiConfiguration *morphiiConfig = [[MorphiiConfiguration alloc] initWithShowName:YES];
[morphiiConfig addWithId:@"6202185104333209600" name:nil weight:1];

BasicViewConfiguration *config = [[BasicViewConfiguration alloc] initWithMorphiiConfig:morphiiConfig target:target project:project comment:comment options:options user:user];


The ReactionResultRecord object is returned from the submit methods. Note, if account subscription expires or record limit is met the ReactionResultRecord object will not return the details in the ReactionMorphiiResultRecord and ReactionCommentRecord objects.

  • isSubmitted: Bool : True if the reaction was successfully submitted.
  • reactionId: String? : Returns the reaction id generated for this reaction.
  • viewId: String : Returns the view id.
  • targetId: String : Returns the target id associated with this reaction.
  • comment: ReactionCommentRecord?: Returns an ReactionCommentRecord object which contains more details about the reaction comment.
  • morphii: ReactionMorphiiResultRecord? : Returns an ReactionMorphiiResultRecord object which contains more details about the reaction morphii.
  • error: ReactionError? : Returns an ReactionError object which contains more details about the reaction error.
// Swift
func submit() {
  MorphiiService.sharedInstance().submit { (records) in
    for record in records {
      print("Results Record");
      print("targetId: \(record.targetId)")
      print("viewId: \(record.viewId)")

      if !record.isSubmitted {
        // There was an error.
        print("error code: \(record.error?.code)")
        print("error message: \(record.error?.message)")
      else {
        print("reactionId: \(record.reactionId)")

        if record.morphii != nil {
          print("morphii-id: \(record.morphii?.id)")
          print("morphii-name: \(record.morphii?.name)")
          print("morphii-displayName: \(record.morphii?.displayName)")
          print("morphii-intensity:  \(record.morphii?.intensity)")
          print("morphii-weight:  \(record.morphii?.weight)")
        else {
          print("No morphii details provided.")

        if record.comment != nil {
          print("comment-text: \(record.comment?.text)")
          print("comment-locale: \(record.comment?.locale)")
        else {
          print("No comment field")

// Objective-C
- (void)submit {
  [[MorphiiService sharedInstance] submitWithCompletion:^(NSArray<ReactionResultRecord *> * _Nonnull records) {
    for (ReactionResultRecord *record in records) {
      NSLog(@"Results Record");
      NSLog(@"targetId: %@",record.targetId);
      NSLog(@"viewId: %@",record.viewId);

      if (!record.isSubmitted) {
        // There was an error.
        NSLog(@"error code: %@",record.error.code);
        NSLog(@"error message: %@",record.error.message);
      else {
        NSLog(@"reactionId: %@", record.reactionId);

        if (record.morphii != nil) {
          NSLog(@"morphii-id: %@",;
          NSLog(@"morphii-name: %@",;
          NSLog(@"morphii-displayName: %@", record.morphii.displayName);
          NSLog(@"morphii-intensity:  %f", record.morphii.intensity);
          NSLog(@"morphii-weight:  %ld", record.morphii.weight);
        else {
          NSLog(@"No morphii details provided.");

        if (record.comment != nil) {
          NSLog(@"comment-text: %@", record.comment.text);
          NSLog(@"comment-locale: %@", record.comment.locale);
        else {
          NSLog(@"No comment field");



This object contains detail information for the morphii associated with the ReactionResultRecord.

  • id: String : Returns the unique morphii id associated with this reaction.
  • name: String : Returns the morphii name associated with this reaction.
  • displayName: String : Returns the morphii display name associated with this reaction.
  • intensity: Double : Returns the morphii intensity associated with this reaction.
  • weight: Int : Returns the morphii weight associated with this reaction.


This object contains detail information for the user entered comment associated with the ReactionResultRecord.

  • text: String : Returns the comment text associated with this reaction.
  • locale: String : Returns the comment locale associated with this reaction.


This object gives further details into any errors that may have occurred during the submission process. It contains two properties: code and message. The code property is a specific error code defined by the data analytics pipeline. The message property is a message associated with the code property that explains what caused the error.

  • code: String : Returns reaction error code string.
  • message: String : Returns reaction error message string.


This object gives further details the authentication results. This object is returned via the authentication callback.

  • isAuthenticated: Bool : Returns if the authentication was successful.
  • error:ReactionError? : Returns an AuthenticationError object which contains more details about the authentication error.


This object gives further details into any errors that may have occurred during the authentication process. It contains two properties: code and message. The code property is a specific error code defined by the data analytics pipeline. The message property is a message associated with the code property that explains what caused the error.

  • code: String : This method returns authentication error code string.
  • message: String : This method returns authentication error message string.