
Bootloader based firmware update library for PSoC4 BLE (4200)

pod try PSoC4FirmwareUpdateiOS



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Bootloader based firmware update library for PSoC4 BLE, tested with the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Kit


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Implementation Notes

  • Supports security key
  • Pending SEND_DATA Implementation
  • Pending CRC16 Test


PSoC4FirmwareUpdateiOS is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "PSoC4FirmwareUpdateiOS"

Test App

The example app has a bluetooth version of the firmware updater. The sample project used for the updater is at PSoC4OTAUpdate


In order to use the APIs you need the following

  1. The new firmware file to update (.cyacd file), the example project referes to files at PSoC4OTAUpdate Sample Binaries
  2. The BLE connectivity information for the PSoC4, which includes
    • Scan Service UUID - The service to lookup during scan, it could be same as the bootloader update service or could be a separate service just for lookup. The example project searches for a separate service advertised by PSoC4OTAUpdate with the UUID 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
    • Bootloader Service UUID - The service to send firmware data to, it could be same as the scan service or could be a separate service just for firmware update. The example project searches for a separate service that is not advertised by PSoC4OTAUpdate with the UUID 00060000-f8ce-11e4-abf4-0002a5d5c51b
    • Bootloader tx characteristics UUID - The characteristics to write the firmware data to, it could be same as the read characteristics or could be a separate characteristics just for writes. The example project defines the same characteristics used by PSoC4OTAUpdate with the UUID 00060001-f8ce-11e4-abf4-0002a5d5c51b
    • Bootloader rx characteristics UUID - The characteristics to read the bootloader status from, it could be same as the write characteristics or could be a separate characteristics just for reads. The example project defines the same characteristics used by PSoC4OTAUpdate with the UUID 00060001-f8ce-11e4-abf4-0002a5d5c51b


The PSoC4 board needs to be put in the Firmware update mode, inorder to do that click on the firmware update button on the board. For the example project PSoC4OTAUpdate that switch is the sw2 on the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Kit

The example project uses the BleComm library for BLE connectivity

import BleComm

To scan for devices to be updated

        var bleScan = BLEScan (
            serviceUUID: CBUUID(string: "00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"),
            onScanDone: {
                (pheripherals:[String:NSUUID]?)->() in
                for(name, id) in pheripherals! {
                    self.entries["\(name) - (\(id.UUIDString))"] = id
                    self.names.append("\(name) - (\(id.UUIDString))")

Replace the UUID 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB with the one your board advertises on.


To update a specific board we need to read the firmware file first, the .cyacd file is a text file, in the example project we read the file from PSoC4OTAUpdate Sample Binaries.

    func readFirmware() {
        let urlToCall = ""
        Alamofire.request(.GET, urlToCall)
            .responseString { response in
                if (response.result.isSuccess) {
                    let otaData = FirmwareData()
                    self.firmwareUpdater?.firmwareData = otaData
                } else {
                    self.printLog("failed to read firmware file")

Once the file is read and the device to be updated is selected then to start the update process

        var bleComm:  BLEComm
        var firmwareUpdater: FirmwareUpdater

        firmwareUpdater = FirmwareUpdater(delegate: self, progress: self)
        bleComm = BLEComm (
            deviceId : deviceId,
            serviceUUID: CBUUID(string: "00060000-f8ce-11e4-abf4-0002a5d5c51b"),
            txUUID: CBUUID(string: "00060001-f8ce-11e4-abf4-0002a5d5c51b"),
            rxUUID: CBUUID(string: "00060001-f8ce-11e4-abf4-0002a5d5c51b"),
                self.printLog("Firmware updated \(self.firmwareUpdater!.firmwareUpdated())")
            onData: {
                (string:NSString?, rawData: NSData?)->() in
            mxSize: 150

Also the controller or class should implement the following protocols FirmwareCommDelegate, FirmwareUpdateProgressDelegate

    func write(data: NSData) {

    func onProgress(state: String) {
        if ("update.failed" == state) {

    func onProgress(state: String, current: Int, max: Int) {
        printLog("\(state) \(current) of \(max)")


PSoC4FirmwareUpdateiOS is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.