
PaltaLib iOS SDK - Template for event schema generation

pod try PaltaLibEventsTransport



PaltaLib is a set of internal Palta libraries and wrappers around popular third-party SDKs


Product Module name Description
Analytics PaltaLibAnalytics Used to send events to Palta Data Platform.
Payments PaltaLibPurchases A single entry point to subscriptions management through IAPs, web subscriptions etc



Add necessary pods to your Podfile:

pod 'PaltaLibAnalytics'
pod 'PaltaLibPurchases'

Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "", branch: "main")



PaltaAnalytics should be configured on app start

    name: "Your_application_name",
    amplitudeAPIKey: Constants.amplitudeApiKey,
    paltaAPIKey: Constants.paltaAPIKey

amplitudeAPIKey and paltaAPIKey parameters are optional and can be omitted in case you don't need one of them.
After this call, PaltaAnalytics will fetch remote config and will act accordingly.

After configuration you can use PaltaAnalytics.instance for all event tracking logic such as:

  • logEvent(_:withEventProperties:withGroups:outOfSession:)
  • logRevenueV2(_:)
  • setUserProperties(_:)
  • setUserId(_:)


PaltaAttribution should be configured on app start

private func setupAttribution() {
    PaltaAttribution.instance.delegate = self

        appsFlyerDevKey: Constants.appsflyerKey,
        appleAppID: "\(Constants.appID)",
        userID: userID,
        useUninstallSandbox: !Environment.isRelease

    if shouldRequestAppTracking {
        PaltaAttribution.instance.waitForATTUserAuthorization(with: 60)

It is also required to call some methods of PaltaAttribution in response on UIApplicationDelegate events

There are all of them:

func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {

func application(_: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    if ... {
        return true
    } else if url, options: options) {
        return true

    return true

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {

func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                     continue userActivity: NSUserActivity,
                     restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
    return PaltaAttribution.instance.continueUserActivity(userActivity, restorationHandler: restorationHandler)

PaltaAttribution delegate methods are using for conversion, attribution and deep linking processing.


PaltaLibPurchases module is using for native purchases performing and payment status handling. PaltaPurchases should be configured on app start

private func setupPaltaPurchases() {
    PaltaPurchases.configureWith(revenueCatApiKey: Constants.revenueCatPublicAPIKey,
                                 userID: userIDProvider.userID,
                                 revenueCatDebugLogsEnabled: Environment.isDebug,
                                 webSubscriptionID: "zing-stage-zing")

You can use next extension for simple payment status handling (applicable only if you're using only single entitlement, i.e. only one premium access level)

extension PaltaPurchases {
    static let premiumEntitlement = "your_project_entitlement_name"

extension PurchaserInfo {
    var isPurchased: Bool {
        return entitlements
            .first(where: { $ == PaltaPurchases.premiumEntitlement })?
            .isActive ?? false

Use subscribeOnPurchaserInfoUpdated(_) method to handle payment status changes, example

var observerToken: AnyObject?
   observerToken = purchases.subscribeOnPurchaserInfoUpdated { info in
       let isPurchased = info.isPurchased
       // handle purchase status change, update UI elements

Web subscriptions support

  • Make sure you implement PaltaAttributionDelegate and pass userID to PaltaPurchases and other internal services once received
extension InternalService: PaltaAttributionDelegate {
    func didReceiveUserID(_ attribution: PaltaAttribution, userID: String) {
        PaltaPurchases.instance.configure(userID: userID) { result in
        switch result {
            // add logging or any internal completion calls
  • Make sure Associated domains capability enabled both on Developer portal for AppID, on on main Application target. Appsflyer provided domain name should be set up in project and in entitlements files
  • Make sure Application prefix (or team name) set for Appsflyer OneLink template (Appsflyer console)
  • Web subscription entitlement has separate type (web), see PurchaseEntitlement.source
  • Use methods from PaltaPurchases+WebSubscriptions.swift for web subscription restore and cancellation
public func sendRestoreLink(to email: String, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)

public func cancelSubscription(completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)