
A real time iOS log trace tool, view iOS log with pc web browser under local area network, which will automatically scroll like xcode. 一个实时的iOS日志跟踪工具,在局域网中使用 PC Web 浏览器查看 iOS 日志,它将像xcode一样自动滚动。

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A real time iOS log trace tool, view iOS log with pc web browser under local area network, which will automatically scroll like xcode. 一个实时的iOS日志跟踪工具,在局域网中使用 PC Web 浏览器查看 iOS 日志,它将像xcode一样自动滚动。

特性 / Features

  1. 一边操作一边查看输出日志,实时日志跟踪,无须手动刷新。
  2. 适用所有浏览器,无需配备 Mac 电脑。
  3. 无需数据线连接电脑。
  4. 支持多台电脑同时监听日志。

演示 / Demo

安装 / Installation

方法一:QuickTraceiOSLogger is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'QuickTraceiOSLogger'

使用 / Usage

  #import <QuickTraceiOSLogger/QuickTraceiOSLogger.h> 
  - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
        // Override point for customization after application launch.
        [QuickiOSLogServer start];
        XLOG_INFO(@"您正在使用 iOS 远程日志查看服务!");
        return YES;

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