
SHMTableView is a wrapper around UITableView datasource, that helps you define table contents by mapping view types to model instances.

ios, ios-ui, swift, uitableview
pod try SHMTableView



Swift Platform License

SHMTableView is a wrapper around UITableView datasource, that helps you define table contents by mapping view types to model instances.

SHMTableView helps you abstract away the routine stuff in UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate. Instead you can focus on structure and content to be displayed by UITableView.

To use SHMTableView, you must:

  1. Create data model instances
  2. Map data models to view types
  3. Pass your mapping to the SHMTableView library

SHMTableView creates and configures all UITableViewCell instances to be displayed in UITableView.


SHMTableView is available through CocoaPods.

Add the following line to your Podfile

pod 'SHMTableView'

Install dependencies

pod install

Getting Started

  1. Include SHMTableView into your swift file
import SHMTableView
  1. Tell SHMTableView to manage UITableView datasource and delegate
var table = SHMTableView(tableView: tableView)
  1. Define your table sections and rows
var section = SHMTableSection()
section += SHMTableRow<MovieCell>(model: Movie(name: "Monsters, Inc."))
section += SHMTableRow<MovieCell>(model: Movie(name: "Singin' in the Rain"))
section += SHMTableRow<SeriesCell>(model: Series(name: "Shaun the Sheep", numberOfEpisodes: 40))
section += SHMTableRow<MovieCell>(model: Movie(name: "My Fair Lady, Inc."))
section += SHMTableRow<SeriesCell>(model: Series(name: "Friends", numberOfEpisodes: 236))
  1. Pass the content structure to the SHMTableView
table.update(withNewSections: [section])

Result: your content displays in UITableView



Each cell requires one model that describes the content and behavior of the cell. The model can be any protocol, struct, class or even just plain String.

struct Movie
    let name: String
    let director: String
    let watch: ((Void) -> Void)

Each cell must conform to the SHMConfigurableRow protocol. Specify each model type via typealias.

class MovieCell: UITableViewCell, SHMConfigurableRow
    typealias T = Movie

    @IBOutlet var nameLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var directorLabel: UILabel!

    func configure(_ model: T)
        // called during tableView(_:cellForRowAt:)

    func configureAtWillDisplay(_ model: T)
        // called during tableView(_:willDisplay:forRowAt:)
        nameLabel.text =
        directorLabel.text = model.director

Connect the view type with the model instance

let monsters = Movie(
    name: "Monsters, Inc.",
    director: "Pete Docter, Lee Unkrich, David Silverman",
    action: { /* start video player */ }

var row = SHMTableRow<MovieCell>(model: monsters)
row.action = { indexPath in

    // called on tableView(_:didSelectRowAt:)

SHMTableView loads NIB with the same name as the cell type. The library and UITableView use this name as reuse identifier when registering cells to UITableView.


To divide rows you can add sections.

let sectionWithMusicals = SHMTableSection(rows: [
    SHMTableRow<SimpleCell>(model: Movie(name: "Singin' in the Rain")),
    SHMTableRow<SimpleCell>(model: Movie(name: "My Fair Lady")),
    SHMTableRow<SimpleCell>(model: Movie(name: "The Sound of Music"))

let sectionForKids = SHMTableSection(rows: [
    SHMTableRow<ColorfulCell>(model: Movie(name: "Shaun the Sheep")),
    SHMTableRow<ColorfulCell>(model: Movie(name: "Monsters, Inc.")),
    SHMTableRow<ColorfulCell>(model: Movie(name: "Shrek"))

moviesTable += sectionWithMusicals
moviesTable += sectionForKids

Headers and Footers

Headers and footers can contain titles or views.

Titles can be specified for sections:

let musicals = SHMTableSection()
musicals.headerTitle = "Musicals (header)"
musicals.footerTitle = "Musicals (footer)"

Alternatively a view, can be used instead of title:

let musicals = SHMTableSection()

if let view = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("ColorfulHeaderView", owner: nil, options: nil)?[0] as? UIView
    musicals.headerView = SHMTableHeader<ColorfulHeaderView>(model: "Musicals (header)", view: view)

if let view = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("ColorfulFooterView", owner: nil, options: nil)?[0] as? UIView
    musicals.footerView = SHMTableHeader<ColorfulFooterView>(model: "Musicals (footer)", view: view)

Custom header/footer view must conform to SHMConfigurable protocol.

class ColorfulHeaderView: UIView, SHMConfigurable
    typealias T = String

    @IBOutlet var label: UILabel!

    func configure(_ model: T)
        label.text = model

Updating table content

Table sections and rows can be updated via update(withNewSections:) method.

For example, the table is first filled with some initial content.

let table = SHMTableView(tableView: tableView)

table.update(withNewSections: [
    SHMTableSection(rows: [
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Atlantis"),
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Mission: Impossible"),
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Stargate"),
    SHMTableSection(rows: [
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Big Bang Theory"),
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Friends"),
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Shaun The Sheep"),

Some time later the table can be updated with changed sections and rows:

table.update(withNewSections: [
    SHMTableSection(rows: [
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Atlantis"),
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Mission: Impossible"),
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Game Of Thrones"),  // new
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Stargate"),
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Transformers"),     // new
    SHMTableSection(rows: [
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Friends"),
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model: "Shaun The Sheep"),
    SHMTableSection(rows: [
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model:"Blue Planet"),       // new
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model:"Lions On The Move"), // new
        SHMTableRow<TitleCell>(model:"Shoreline"),         // new

Method update(withNewSections:) internally computes diff between current list and new list. Once it knows changes, the method tries to animate the section and row changes if it is possible. Our example above causes these updates:

  • insertions
    • two rows in first section
      • Game of Thrones
      • Transformers
    • whole new third section
  • deletions
    • one rows in second section
      • Big Bang Theory

Optionally, you can improve diffing by implementing SHMDiffable into your model.

extension Movie: SHMDiffable
    public func isEqual(to other: SHMDiffable) -> Bool
        guard let other = other as? Movie else { return false }

        return ==


Append section to table

table += SHMTableSection()

Append row to the first section in table. Creates section, if table is empty.

table += SHMTableRow<MovieCell>(model: Movie(name: "Singin' in the Rain"))

Append row to specific section.

section += SHMTableRow<MovieCell>(model: Movie(name: "Singin' in the Rain"))

Append array of rows to specific section.

section += [
    SHMTableRow<ColorfulCell>(model: Movie(name: "Shaun the Sheep")),
    SHMTableRow<ColorfulCell>(model: Movie(name: "Monsters, Inc.")),
    SHMTableRow<ColorfulCell>(model: Movie(name: "Shrek"))

Using UITableView in editing mode

See example in Example/SHMTableView/EditingController

Using in view controller

You can map SHMTableView instance to UITableView in outlet variable didSet handler. Alternatively you can use SHMTableViewController, which does exactly that.

import SHMTableView

class MyViewController: UIViewController
    public var shmTable: SHMTableView!

    @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
            shmTable = SHMTableView(tableView: tableView)

Example code

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory.

cd libs/SHMTableView/Example
pod install
open SHMTableView.xcworkspace

Comparison of SHMTableView and plain UITableView

Example of using SHMTableView

var table = SHMTableView(tableView: tableView)

table += [
    SHMTableSection(rows: [
        SHMTableRow<MusicalCell>(model: Movie(name: "Singin' in the Rain")),
        SHMTableRow<MusicalCell>(model: Series(name: "Nashville")),
        SHMTableRow<MusicalCell>(model: Movie(name: "My Fair Lady")),
        SHMTableRow<MusicalCell>(model: Series(name: "Glee"))
    SHMTableSection(rows: [
        SHMTableRow<KidsCell>(model: Movie(name: "Monsters, Inc.")),
        SHMTableRow<KidsCell>(model: Series(name: "Shaun the Sheep")),
        SHMTableRow<KidsCell>(model: Movie(name: "Shrek"))

Instances of models are mapped to the view types and passed to the SHMTableView library, which creates required sections and rows in UITableView.

Example of using plain UITableView

// Registering cells to UITableView

// ...

// Implementing UITableViewDataSource

public func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int
    // ...

public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int
    // ...

public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
    let model = ...

    if  let movieModel = model as? Movie,
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "Movie", for: indexPath) as? MovieCell
        cell.nameLabel.text = item.title
        return cell

    } else if  let seriesModel = model as? Series,
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "Series", for: indexPath) as? MovieCell
        cell.nameLabel.text = item.title
        return cell

    } else

public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
    let model = ...

    if model is Movie
        // ...

    } else if model is Series
        // ...

// Implementing UITableViewDelegate

public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
    let model = ...

    if model is Movie
        // ...

    } else if model is Series
        // ...

// Setup section headers and footers

// ...

// Setup cell self sizing

// ...

Using plain UITableView requires you to implement all the data sources and delegate methods. You have to handle updates in a model structure. You have to write a lot of repetitive code. Each additional view and model requires more if-else checking, ending up with complex and difficult to maintain code.


cd libs/SHMTableView/Example
pod install
open SHMTableView.xcworkspace

Future Ideas

  • animate row reloads and moves (currently are supported insertions and deletions)
  • support table header view


  • Dwifft by Jack Flintermann is very nice implementation of diff algorithm based on solving Longest Common Subsequence problem. Available as separate Pod library. We have customized original code to our needs.


Showmax is an internet-based subscription video on demand service supplying an extensive catalogue of TV shows and movies. By leveraging relationships with major production studios from across the globe, Showmax delivers both world-class international content as well as the best of specialised local content. Showmax is accessible across a wide range of devices from smart TVs and computers to smartphones and tablets.

You can follow us at and/or .


This code is exactly one running in our production app. We are using the same pod as you see here. PRs are welcome.


SHMTableView is available under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more info.