

pod try SiamPiwatIndoorMapSDK


Siam Piwat MappedIn Indoor Map iOS SDK

Add Pod

pod 'SiamPiwatIndoorMapSDK', '0.9.4'
run pod install


Please make sure!

Project -> Build Settings -> Enable Bitcode -> No
Project -> Your Target-> Build Settings -> Enable Bitcode -> No
Project -> Pods -> Build Settings -> Enable Bitcode -> No

Initial SDK in AppDelegate

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    var window: UIWindow?

    override init() {
         SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.initialSDK(slug: .oneSiam,
                                                 shops: [],
                                                 language: .en,
                                                 appDelegate: AppDelegate.self,
                                                 isDebug: true)

         // This is method for initialize IndoormapSDK you need to add it here.
         // MappedIn Service need to initialize with AppDelegate.self
         // remark if you not add it here the app will crash.

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Override point for customization after application launch.
        return true

Set Debug

  SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.setDebugMode(isDebug: true)

Set Simulate Navigation

     SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.setSimulateNavigation(simulateNavigation: true)

Set Enable Device Location

import CoreLocation and Privacy to Info.plist Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description, Privacy - Location Always Usage Description, Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description whatever and add delegate

 import CoreLocation

 var manager:CLLocationManager = CLLocationManager()
 self.manager.delegate = self
 self.manager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest

extension ViewController: CLLocationManagerDelegate {

    func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]){
        if let location = locations.last{
            print("latitude: \(location.coordinate.latitude) longitude: \(location.coordinate.longitude)")


    func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error){

  SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.setEnableDeviceLocation(isEnableDeviceLocation: true)

Set Update User Current Position

before you use this method you need to set EnableDeviceLocation by SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.setEnableDeviceLocation(isEnableDeviceLocation: true)

 SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.updateUserCurrentPosition(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(13.746478, 100.534629))

Set AIS Store

after you initialized the SDK, you have to set AIS store. we use AIS Store Object for display Store Name, Description

Parameters Description
Shops array of dictionary (same as a structure below)

Example of AIS JSON Dictionary

      "closeAt": [
      "lineIds": [""],
      "mall_id": "5baa79c43280ac373f6c06e5",
      "positions": [
          "x": "0",
          "y": "0",
          "z": "0"
      "tag_ids": [""],
      "isDeleted": false,
      "publish": {
        "publishEndDate": "2119-01-09T03:33:41.720Z",
        "publishStartDate": "2019-01-09T03:33:41.720Z",
        "isPublish": true
      "images": [""],
      "floor_id": "5bc6e1050e17b1204c8829d2",
      "createdAt": "2019-01-08T09:00:54.000Z",
      "name": {
        "cn": "Fix & Wash",
        "en": "Fix & Wash",
        "th": "Fix & Wash"
      "priority": 0,
      "cat_ids": ["5bccb5c913443b4720c2477c"],
      "updatedAt": "2019-10-21T08:14:25.000Z",
      "subcat_ids": ["5bccb5c513443b4720c24770"],
      "descThumbnail": {
        "cn": "",
        "en": "",
        "th": ""
      "lot_no": "BR17",
      "tels": ["+6626581121"],
      "email": "",
      "zone_id": "",
      "id": "5bd9248dabc75d7da0f2c26a",
      "urls": [""],
      "openDay": [true, true, true, true, true, true, true],
      "desc": {
        "cn": "",
        "en": "",
        "th": ""
      "imageThumbnail": "",
      "openAt": ["10:00", "10:00", "10:00", "10:00", "10:00", "10:00", "10:00"]

Get Venues

before using the map view you need to call "getVenues". this is a method for getting department store. by the way, this method will filter out the store that not match the ais store JSON that you have set up

   SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.getVenues(completion: {
    }) { (error) in
Parameters Description
Completion completion callback
Failure failure callback

Map ViewController

This is a property for getting MapViewController.

  let vc = SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.viewController
   self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)
//        alternative way
//        let navC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
//        self.present(navC, animated: true, completion: nil)

Get All Stores

you can get all stores by calling this

    let stores =  SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.stores()

Get Store by External ID

This is a method for getting store by External ID"5bd9248dabc75d7da0f2c421")
Parameters Description
External ID ID of store

Get Department Store by Slug

  if let siamDiscovery = SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.getDepartmentStore(slug: .siamDiscovery) {
     SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.setDepartmentStore(departmentStore: siamDiscovery)

Get Current Department Store

this method will return the department store.

    let departmentStore = SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.departmentStore()

Update User Current Location

you can show user current location on map by sending a AISLocation object to this method
if floor id and floor number not the same as active floor the location will not show on map

     let location = SPWAISLocation(isIndoor: true, latitude: "13.7466", longitude: "100.534629",
                                        builId: "4409", buildName: "Siam Paragon", floorId: "8288", floorNumber: "0")

Get Closest Store

        SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.setFloor(by: 0)
        let location = SPWAISLocation(isIndoor: true, latitude: "13.7466", longitude: "100.534629",
                                        builId: "4409", buildName: "Siam Paragon", floorId: "8288", floorNumber: "0")
        let store = SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.getClosestStore(location: location)

Set Origin


Set Destination


Set Origin and Destination

   SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.setOrginAndDestination(orgin: storeA, destination: storeB)

Reset origin and destination


Set Floor by floor number

0 is G , B is -1

    SPWIndoorMapSDKManager.shared.setFloor(by: -1)