core build tooling for stackvana

conda install -c conda-forge stackvana-core



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core build tooling for stackvana

DISCLAIMER: This installation of the DM stack is not supported, promised to work, or promised to be bug free in any way. You use this package at your own risk.


It is best to create a brand new conda environment for the DM stack.

conda create -c stackvana -n mystack stackvana-core 
conda create -c stackvana -n mystack stackvana-afw 

The command above will create a conda environment with all of the dependencies and tools you need to actually build the DM stack. In general, you should consult the LSST DM documentation for details on how to build the DM stack using eups. This package has the eups installation already run up to installing sconsUtils in order to make downstream builds easier.

Notes on conda and eups Integration

  • The builds are configured to use the compilers provided by conda. On linux, these are the GNU compilers. On OSX, these are a combination of the LLVM clang compilers and the GNU fortran compiler.

  • This conda package has been carefully constructed to activate eups (via sourcing ${EUPS_DIR}/bin/ and set the needed environment variables to enable eups to build packages against the conda environment. This activation happens when the conda environment is activated.

  • Similarly, when the conda environment is deactivated, all of the changes made by this package, and those made by activating eups, are removed, leaving the original environment intact.

  • The eups installation in this environment is not completely isolated from the outside world. Global eups configuration and caching done in your ~/.eups directory is still visible to all environments. There also appears to be issues with eups touching the cached conda package outside of the installed version in your environment.

  • The $EUPS_PKGROOT environment variable is set to enable only source builds.

Things that I did that don't make me feel like a good person

  • I have disabled eups's locking mechanism to help multiple processes simultaneously use the same conda environment with this package. According to Robert Lupton, this choice should be fine. However, as usual with all conda environments, do not install packages via conda or eups into an environment while running code is using that same environment. Many thanks to Robert Lupton for pointing out how to do modify this configuration option elegantly!

  • I changed the first line, #!${PREFIX}/bin/python, in the eups and eups_setup scripts to #!/usr/bin/env python. This doesn't seem to make a difference and the CI services that build the stack were failing on the long prefixes used by conda-build.

  • I applied a patch to the ${EUPS_DIR}/lib/ script so that it uses old-style distutils installs. (I added --single-version-externally-managed --record record.txt to PYSETUP_INSTALL_OPTIONS with a fallback to the old way of doing things if these command switches are not accepted.) This change appears to help setuptools find dependencies installed by conda and appears to help prevent the downloading of dependencies from PyPi. Instead, you must install the appropriate package using conda. setuptools should have been able to detect the dependencies in the conda environment in the first place, but sometimes this was failing for some reason unknown to me.