
TOML parser implementation for data serialization and deserialization in Fortran

fortran-library, fortran-package-manager, serde, toml, toml-parser
conda install -c conda-forge toml-f


TOML parser for Fortran projects

License Release Build docs Documentation Status codecov

A TOML parser implementation for data serialization and deserialization in Fortran.



To build this project from the source code in this repository you need to have

  • a Fortran compiler supporting Fortran 2008 (GCC 5 or newer or Intel Fortran)

  • One of the supported build systems


To build this project with meson a build-system backend is required, i.e. ninja version 1.7 or newer. Setup a build with

meson setup _build

You can select the Fortran compiler by the FC environment variable. To compile the project run

meson compile -C _build

To use toml-f in your project, have a look at the example integration with meson.

We employ a validator suite to test the standard compliance of this implementation. To use this testing a go installation is required. The installation of the validator suite will be handled by meson automatically without installing into the users go workspace. Run the tests with

meson test -C _build --print-errorlogs

To run the full decoder test add the benchmark argument. This test will currently fail, due to the implementation not yet supporting Unicode escape sequences.

meson test -C _build --benchmark --print-errorlogs

The binary used for transcribing the TOML documents to the testing format is _build/test/toml2json and can be used to check on per test basis.


While meson is the preferred way to build this project it also offers CMake support. Configure the CMake build with

cmake -S. -B_build -GNinja

Similar to meson the compiler can be selected with the FC environment variable. You can build the project using

cmake --build _build

To include toml-f in your CMake project, check the example integration with CMake. The validation suite is currently not supported as unit test for CMake builds and requires a manual setup instead using the toml2json binary.

Fortran package manager

The Fortran package manager fpm supports the addition of toml-f as a dependency. In the fpm.toml file:

toml-f.git = ""

Then build and test normally.

fpm build
fpm test

A more detailed example is described in example 1.


To build the documentation with ford run

ford -o ./docs


To make use this library use the tomlf module in your projects. You can access the individual modules but those are not considered part of the public API and might change between versions.

An example program to load and dump a TOML file would look like this:

use tomlf
implicit none
character(len=1), parameter :: nl = new_line('a')
type(toml_table), allocatable :: table
character(kind=tfc, len=:), allocatable :: input_string
type(toml_serializer) :: ser

input_string = &
   & '# This is a TOML document.' // nl // &
   & 'title = "TOML Example"' // nl // &
   & '[owner]' // nl // &
   & 'name = "Tom Preston-Werner"' // nl // &
   & 'dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00-08:00 # First class dates' // nl // &
   & '[database]' // nl // &
   & 'server = ""' // nl // &
   & 'ports = [ 8001, 8001, 8002 ]' // nl // &
   & 'connection_max = 5000' // nl // &
   & 'enabled = true' // nl // &
   & '[servers]' // nl // &
   & '  # Indentation (tabs and/or spaces) is allowed but not required' // nl // &
   & '  [servers.alpha]' // nl // &
   & '  ip = ""' // nl // &
   & '  dc = "eqdc10"' // nl // &
   & '  [servers.beta]' // nl // &
   & '  ip = ""' // nl // &
   & '  dc = "eqdc10"' // nl // &
   & '[clients]' // nl // &
   & 'data = [ ["gamma", "delta"], [1, 2] ]' // nl // &
   & '# Line breaks are OK when inside arrays' // nl // &
   & 'hosts = [' // nl // &
   & '  "alpha",' // nl // &
   & '  "omega"' // nl // &
   & ']'

call toml_parse(table, input_string)
if (allocated(table)) then
   call table%accept(ser)
   call table%destroy  ! not necessary
end if

Here the TOML document is provided as string, notice that you have to add a newline character by using the intrinsic function new_line("a") to get the lines correctly.

Alternatively, a file can be loaded from any connected, formatted unit using the same overloaded function. For the standard input the intrinsic input_unit should be passed. If the TOML file is successfully parsed the table will be allocated and can be written to the standard output by passing the toml_serializer as visitor to the table.

Additionally, detailed examples are provided as well:

  • simple reader for a configuration file using fpm, see example 1


See the contributing guidelines on how to get involved in TOML-Fortran.


TOML-Fortran is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your opinion.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an as is basis, without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in TOML-Fortran by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.