
Combination of Independent P-Values




Thesis repo contains the Python and R code created by Breya McGlown under the guidance of E. Olusegun George.

Both languages provide the end user the opportunity to utilize six fundamental statistics used for combination of p-values and calculate the combined p value based on the method selected, typically used during Meta-analyses.

To Use:


1) pip install P-CombiningPValuesFinal
2) Below is an example of how to use the functions within the package, also refer to tests in the packaging_tutorial folder
    inputs = list(input1['x'].values.flatten())
    Input = A.InfinitePs(inputs[0:5])
    Output1 = A.StoufferMethod(Input[0])
    SignOrNot = cp.CombinedPvalue(output = Output1, Input = Input[0])
3) The function CombinedPvalue will return the combined p-value based on the method selected


1) install.packages("combinationpvalues")
2) Below is an example of how to use the functions within the package, also refer to the examples in the package by calling example("combinationpvalues")
    Output <- InfinitePs(0.1,0.3,.7)
    Final <- TippettMethod(Output)
    Combined <- CombinedPValueMethod(Final,"Tippett")
3) The function CombinedPValueMethod will return the combined p-value based on the method selected