
United States Presidential State of the Union Addresses



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The sotu package provides the raw text of every State of the Union Address through 2016. To install, either load from CRAN:


Or you may grab the development version using devtools:


It is not expected that the package will change very frequently, though we will occasionally update as new speeches are given.

Basic usage

The package contains just two datasets and one function. The dataset sotu_meta is a data frame with one row for each state of the union and the dataset. The dataset sotu_text is a character vector with one address in each element. Rows in the former match with elements of the latter. Speeches are ordered temporally.

There is also a function sotu_dir that writes all of the files to a location on disk, with one address per file, and returns a vector of files pointing to these files. For example, the following saves all of the files to disk and then loads the 200th back into R:

fp <- sotu_dir()
txt <- readLines(fp[200])

The primary purpose of this is to test or demo text analysis functions that read files from disk rather than from memory.

For a more detailed example of how this package can be used, see the vignette for the package cleanNLP: Exploring the State of the Union Addresses.


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