
Handling integration with the Todoist API

elm-lang, todoist, todoist-api
elm-package install ConcatDK/elm-todoist 1.1.0


Todoist API integration libary

This is a work in progress - there is still a lot to do! Please do leave comments and submit PR's - they will be very much appreciated as I am new in using Elm

A module for integrating Elm apps with the todoist API. The todoist api has two versions, a rest and a sync one. Currently this package only support the rest api and only some parts of it. I am planning on developing this package further in the very near future.

General stuff about Todoist

API tokens

Almost all queries to the Todoist api requires you to provide an access token. This token can be found in at the very bottom of the page. Be careful with this token, it provides the same amount of access to your todoist data as your password.

The Rest API (version 8)

The Todoist rest api is documented on and the goal of the package is to support all accepted queries described in this documentation.


To develop on this project the nix package manager should be installed on the system (Get it here).

Enter the nix-shell environment by running the command nix-shell in the project root.

You should now be ready to develop!

A few commands should be available after entering the nix-shell

  • elm: The elm compiler
  • elm-format: Makes sure that the file format and code style is consistent
  • elm-live: Runs a live-reloaded development server
  • elm-test: Runs the tests in the tests/ directory